Monday, September 26, 2005

Diagnosis: Catlover
And believe you me, I wanted him to jump. Maybe I could also let him catch that poor dragonfly in front of him. And maybe could I also be as kind, as to let the cat enjoy the victory he would definitely feel, just before splashing into the pond. He might be the cutest cat (and he is), but at the moment we are not the best of friends. He is trying to provoke the majority of the vessels in my brain disrupt, by continuously emitting very loud 'meaaaaoooows'. If they'd only been regular, and/or similar, then I'm sure my brain would be able to find a mechanism block them out.

Cute cat recently made a very clear leap from nice baby cat to convincingly adolescent cat. He started shaking his tail at, for me, random bushes in our garden. In his view though, most likely extremely well planned spray-attacks at local strategically placed shrubberies, to ensure that all passing cats would instantly be aware of that this here was NOT their territory, so sod! This morning he also wanted convince me, having my innocent muesli breakfast in front of the telly, that the wall and my sofa was NOT my territory, so sod! For the first time during this last week, I am actually thankful for having my nose completely clogged with icky infected stuff. Truely thankful for being unable to smell anything, including the otherwise quite distinct smell of adolescent/adult male feline urine currently filling my apartment. Thankful for my viruses multiplying, thankful!

Apart from the meows, and the sprayings in my general direction, I also found out today from my insurance company that I will be kindly allowed to pay 300 euro myself for cute cats recent visits to the doctor's. So you can maybe see why we are not the very best of friends at the moment, but I'll let you in on my secret. I have the upper hand. Cute cat is now resting on my bed, calmly unaware of that he has only until friday morning to enjoy the presence of selected male private parts.