Flying weeks
It is strange. You get on with your usual stuff, and suddenly (like for me know) almost a whole week has passed. And trying to think back, I can't really say what I have done. I am rather sure though it has been nothing revolutionary anyways. It has been your regular week of good and bad, happiness and general "whatever"-ness, ups and downs. I found out friday in a rather strange way (by being handed the submitted manuscript), that I was actually fifth author on a paper that I for some reason thought I would be second author on. I was a bit hurt initially, but thinking about it, I can't really argue my placement. And yesterday, I got an e-mail from the organizers of the excellent Maine (state north of New York) - conference in august, and I have been accepted as one of 135 participants on the week-long conference on 'Epilepsy and Neuronal Signalling'. I was warmly invited to join in on the fun. Wohoo! That kind of got my perspective back in the right place, and also a little self-esteem boost. Just what I needed right then.
Cute cat has been on forced stay with his brother this week, and he seems to have had a good time. He has lost like 300 g in a week, despite mother's constant reports on crazy eating. Well, alongside even more frequent reports on cats running, playing, chasing, etc. They can be quite mean to eachother, it seems at times, but then you catch them lying down like this, and you get this 'naawh'-ing feeling of their complete brotherly love for eachother. I have been at my parents' place with boyfriend all weekend, as an enduring picking up of cute cat. The weather has been perfect; about 8 inches of snow on the ground, intermittent snowfall, crisp air, snowdrop flowers forcing their way up through the snow, and between -3 and -14 degrees (Celcius. If you prefer Kelvin, or Farenheit or so, you do your own math!). I love my parents, I love to relax there (jacuzzi, served dinners, fire place, loving and welcoming atmosphere etc.), and it was especially nice to be able to bring my lovely boyfriend with me. We have had nice dinners, snowy pre-breakfastal / post-dinneral walks, board game playing, and just RELAAXING. And still, I am tired now. But it is sunday, you're supposed to be that way! And with that, I excuse my tiredness, and myself, for today.
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