Spring in Lund!
If ignoring the stormish winds, it is a beautiful spring out there for you. Find a sheltered spot, where the wind can't reach you. Face the sun, and sit back and enjoy it. It's 10 degrees Celsius and blue skies and a brighter sun than ever before this year. The weekend of daylight saving time is inching its way closer to us. Soon it will be light an hour longer in the afternoon, I guess all the way into making the evening a little brighter.
The buds are out, and some have already turned into small leaves or flowers. I guess the buds have been around since the very very warm January, when the cherry trees started blossoming, and the spring flowers came out a first round. But now, now its spring for real. Because the cold, and the snow has been here, so we can be over with that now. And just look forward to the lovely spring.
Spring is an amazing time. People are coming out of their hibernation, the ice-cream places open again, and serve lovely "Glasskulturen"-made ice-cream to enthusiastic people in winter coats, hats, and scarves. Forcing them to remove at least one mitten, in order to hold the ice-cream cone properly. The pigeons flock to the squares, looking for cone and ice-cream leftovers.
And you can't but smile. The force darkness, cold and wind have on people, making them dissapear to who knows where. But once that all slowly retract, the people come tip-toeing out of their hiding-places, carefully making sure the sun will warm them enough, not to kill them if they leave the warm safety of their homes.
Springtime. And on my way back home from work, I saw it. The first Tussilago!
I jerked him out if his moist and and cold soil, and brought him back home with me to eternalize him with my brilliant macro-objective. Now he will spend his continued days in a shot-glass on the table. For me to enjoy live, for the rest of you to just dream about. I bet you haven't found one yet!
http://nossrepasil.blogspot.com/2007/03/es-ist-unser-in-den-luft.html Well look at that! she blogged it before you did.... guess someone else beat you to it this year too...
Nu vann du i år igen över mormor.
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