Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Guess what!?

"Infringement", I had prior to this letter never even heard the word. I guess this is one way of learning english. Expensive, and perhaps a bit stupid. But still!

Want to guess what I apparently did while abroad? The Victoria Police in Australia has caught up with me. And are fining me 134 AUD for speeding, whoopsy!

But I get style-credits for speeding on the left side of the road, have you ever done that, huh! huh! How cool am I!

No concession for coolness though, apparently.

What I do wonder is how they manage to come up with 65 km/h as "alleged speed". Who has allegedly said that? It wasn't me, I haven't even talked to them. It was apparently a smart traffic camera that caught me. So who alleged it? Many questions. Or at least one. I guess it is just to pay up.


At 20:24 , Blogger Mz B said...

Their official claim is that you were driving at 65... even though they clocked you at 68, but you probably only have to pay for the 5km/h extra.

At 21:49 , Blogger Rosa said...

Ja du Sara det är bara till att betala och ta det som en lärdom.
Du får göra som Gert gjorde eller Ulla gjordet åt Gert, hon ramade in bötern och satte den i hallen så att han kan se den varje dag innan han ska ge sig i väg till jobb.

At 11:36 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Hehe, du menar så jag inte cyklar för fort sen när jag ska till jobbet?

At 05:14 , Blogger loneredwolf said...

$134 for 8 KM over? That is pretty lame.


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