
I have been all inspired by a sweet friend of my sisters', and I am now working out with a specific aim to run Copenhagen Marathon next May. I am on a 26 week running schedule - found on the Stockholm Marathon webpage. But I am hoping I can run Marathon in another city, eventhough I'm following the Stockholm schedule.
Obviously there are more than 26 weeks left until next May. But there'll be a natural break when winter/snow and crummy weather is coming - when I'll slow down the running and workout inside the gym instead. At my gym one can only run 10 min on the treadmill (eventhough some people think it's ok to jog 10, run 10, walk 10 etc., but the real rule is that you can only stay on the treadmill for 10 min, whatever you are doing on it). So it's not really an option to run my marathon distances in there. I'll go for the spinning bikes, and let them replace the running while the roads are to slippery to run on, or while it's to dark to run outside. And then, in the spring, I'll get right back on those bike paths, running.
I feel, the more people I tell about this plan, the more likely is it that I'll stick to the plan, and follow through. Of course, the actual marathon race is not really what's important. The working out bit leading up to it, that's what's important for real. But I feel it's easier to keep up with regular running, if I have a specific goal.
I have never been the competitive person. Or this is what I have thought at least. But I realise, the truth is, I have never ENJOYED the competitive part of sports. It can really break me down, and I just keep thinking "I can't do this", "I will lose" etc. So I have to find ways to work out psychologically too, to mentally prepare for a long race. I'm thinking, if I just have an interesting book on my iPod, to entertain me while running - I'll forget all about the running part, and just do it.
I sound like a Nike-slogan. And also like a comercial for iPod. Do you think I can get sponsored? I really want that Nike+ thing to put in my shoe, and the iPod mini to register my every step along the way I run. That's a reasonable benefit, after mentioning these two products on my high impact blog, don't you think?
I was just out. 10 km (the green line on the map) - 53 min and 9 seconds - mean pulse 178 - max pulse 192.
I'm going to kick Copenhagen's ass!
"I have never been the competitive person." säger du... du har väl bara låtsats då, när du ska vara bäst på allt. Det är ju inte som att du tar i när du sätter dina mål menar jag... som att springa ett marathonlopp eller så. ;-P
Du brukar ju klara av det också, fast jag vet inte riktigt om du får med mig på det här projektet. 42 km är en attans lång sträcka att springa.
Äsch, "del-mål" är allt jag har att säga till den kommentaren. Dela upp det på 1 km åt gången, och för det är ju inte så långt att springa, och så gör det 42 gånger, hur svårt kan det vara?
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