Pretty flowers close to the new apartment! I want a whole field of marguerits. Later. When I own my own field. A farmer should!
And it's just about a month left until the Margareta-/margarita-day, which customary is celebrated with margaritas, and a huge cake. I already have a program running in my head about how to make an even better cake than previous year! And I need to gather up enough people to help me finish the cake, but that shouldn't be a problem. When people hear "cake", them come over!
I got the Margarita-urge just seeing the photo. Should I bring Margarita ingredienses for Tuesday? It goes well with soup, and it is gooood.
I swear, I have too much margarita ingredients already. Joding and I have in total 60 bottles of alcohol. There'll be margarita, or mojitos on tuesday, haven't quite decided yet.
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