Battle of the animals
It's much easier to be on guilt-free sick-leave these days. Doing nothing next to Melvin still seems purposeful, and very stress-relieving. Some guilt for 'being-home-doing-nothing' might sometimes still get through, but not a lot and not for long.
One piece of his food had hidden under the big kitchen drawer. Eventhough his bowl was full of more pieces of food, exactly the same as the one that was hiding, he still had to try to get the hider to come out in the open. He was whining, barking, crawling. But nothing helped.
Melvin is a true little stealer, he has started to use all of Cute Cats old toys, and now also some of the more current ones. For instance, this squeaking little mouse that is Cute Cat's absolute favourite right now. Melvin wants it for himself.
Cute Cat is not impressed.
Cute Cat and Melvin has actually started playing some today. Cute Cat runs past Melvin, giving off a short meow, just like when he picks a fight with Obidoo. Then he runs off, and often Melvin runs after. Then Melvin jumps towards Cute Cat, and then runs off, and Cute Cat comes after. But not for long, Cute Cat quite easily outruns the little Melv-man. Not too surprising, but very cute to watch. Cute Cat hissed at Melvin a little while ago. He was not too happy that Melvin tried to follow him under a chair. That was Cute Cat's territory.
Jätteroligt att se hur det går för Katten och Hunden...
Ja, verkligen! och du, underbara kort överst! Det ser så mysigt ut!
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