Thursday, November 08, 2007

And what a party it was!

Well, it was a long time ago since I did something really irresponsible, at least until last night! It might not have been the most responsible idea to get myself really drunk before travelling. I'm happy they let me on the plane. My bag was almost shipped to Marseilles - because I apparently repied 'yes' to her question about it. It sorted out in the end. She thought it was my fault, that I noticed - but I can't really see why, since she was the same person that a second prior had printed my boarding cards for San Diego - Atlanta - Copenhagen. Why would I want my bags in Marseilles then? But I'm sure I seemed weird, and she had probably all right to think I was in the wrong, if not for the bag, so for something else. It could NOT have slipped them by that I was pissed. I was selected for "random" screening (she had made some note on my boarding card - I do not blame them). But they let me pass.

Me, and a bondi slipper

But what a fun night! And again - Tomas, Daniel - I'm sorry for banging on your door in the middle of the night. Although I guess many boys would be happy for three pretty girls coming over in the middle of the night. But yesterday night I think we were more drunk than pretty =). It wasn't until now when I came home and checked my blog, that I remembered that I had made a blog post while being superdrunk (apparently) and waiting for my cab. It was soooooo much fun yesterday though!

The party gang.

That skybar on Mariott, what a place! Totally amazing. And it would never have existed in Sweden. A skybar, with no fence around, on the 20-something floor. Brillant place! And yesterday it even had a dance floor. I remember meeting an Andy Snow and his PhD students (I forced them all out on the dance floor), a bunch of other neuroscientists that wanted to talk science - oh how I ignored and judged them, sitting by the pretty fire complaining about all the PDA going on, I remember one of Andy Snow's students trying to fondle me - and pushing him really hard and telling him in an offensive way to get his hands off, and I remember fondling two girls myself - the one had implants and the other didn't, so they let me feel the difference. Interesting. Breasts are cool.


The long building that is the brightest shining - is the convention centre, or at least half of it.

Skybar elevator

This is us trying to walk to our room (I really tried to hold the camera still to take a picture of people falling over)

After 3 margaritas during happy hour in the tequila bar - we went to a restaurant called Dick's. Their product idea is to have waitresses that are super rude to you all the time. Lots of fun, good food, and bubbles!


At 23:01 , Blogger Mz B said...

Super rude waitress? you could go to pretty much any place in sweden to experience that! and How I miss the big city. I have been probing pretty much anybody I met at the sonyercisson party tonight, telling them I need to go to JAPAN. this includes a couple of Japanese managers on business trip and then some.

At 14:24 , Blogger Ylva och GrabbarnaGrus said...

Undrar hur många som druttat över kanten!! Pers polare sa på skoj efter frånga "Have you any plans to make any terrorist action while you`r here?" eller något sådant. Han svarade att han hade frätande ämne i skon... Fick sitta i förhör/förvar i sex sju timmar innan han släpptes in. Tåbira är inte bra att skoja om!!


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