Friday, April 11, 2008

Dog course

Doing "kanin" (rabbit) at the dog school

Learning to sniff up a trace...

But before he could find the treat, a murder snail had already found the lost pig's ear. I didn't kill the little snail though, he looked so cute and innocent.

Someone is very proud having found the pig's ear all by himself, by using his nose to sniff it out. He is the smallest dog at the course, therefore the slowest one to finish his ear. So he had a long time he could just walk close to the other dogs and tease them with his pig's ear.


At 07:37 , Blogger Rosa said...

Sara du ska döda alla mördarsniglar det blir miljontals av en.

At 08:29 , Blogger Mz B said...

Do they accept Siamese cats at the course too? Aron already know the trick "finding Serano ham", when I hide it.

At 13:32 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Hehe, jag lät bli att döda den bara för att reta dig. Den snigeln och hans miljontals barn kommer ta ett par år på sig innan de når din trädgård!

Aaaaron vill ha ett grisöra. Nästa gång ska vi gömma oss själva, så hundarna får hitta oss. Ska bli intressant.


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