Monday, May 12, 2008

Ill, AGAIN?!

May 13th

3.18 pm
Fever came back when I just had finished blogging that I did not have any fever, stupid! 38.2°, just a mild one, which gives me enough energy to be frustrated, but to little energy to work on the manuscript. Damned!

9.30 am
I wake up. No fever. Throat and neck still hurts. Small lymph nodes are swollen in the back of the throat. I do not like the sight and feel of this. I am on major effort fo finish a scientific paper. How on earth will I live up to that? Elahi Elahi, imana shabachtani! But I have my suspicions...

1 am
Sweating makes it impossible to stay in bed. I call my mental healer and talk for an hour. Hang up, take another ibuprofen, and a sleeping pill.

May 12th

The shivering does not stop, 38.2°. I take one ibuprofen

The shivering continues 37.9°,

10.40 pm
It feels like a fever is coming on. My muscles ache, and I'm shivering. 37.6° is still below fever. Head aches. This sucks. Big time.

My throat starts to ache, and it just continues and spreads down a stiffening neck.


At 22:58 , Blogger Elisabet said...

Här kommer en bli-frisk-kram! Och den är jäkligt effektiv har jag sett till....

At 15:19 , Blogger Svengbergson said...

Stackars dig! Jag ligger oxå däckad, utan feber dock men med en helt otrolig sn*r och sl*m-produktion. Har lätt gjort av med 1000 näsdukar sen förra veckan. Krax...

Krya på oss!!


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