Friday, September 30, 2005

The lights were on, but no-one to answer the door bell

Did you know there are 24 different measurements you need, if you want to sew something properly for you? I wasn't aware of that my body even had 24 measurements, less that they would ever actually be relevant for me to know. I recently started taking a course in pattern design, and it has so far been very interesting. It is tricky though. You have to think for yourself, and make a lot of calculations. Especially, you need to divide things by 6. Don't ask me why. So I find it quite tricky, eventhough I would say I am of average intelligence. Previously, Strangelady was the weirdest one there, but today she had to resign from trgfgy (eeh, crazy cat sends his regards) her title. She will from now on be referred to as Quite Strangelady, cause today actual Strangelady arrived. But first, let me tell you about Quite Strangelady, and how she came to deserve that name.

Quite Strangelady last was late for the first course session, confused, and repeated herself over and over (I'll admit, I have a serious problem with people repeating themselves). We were asked to bring a scale ruler 1:400 to class. Within two hours, she had said four times that she didn't quite understand what a scale ruler was (well neither did I, but I caught on when I saw one). But she didn't stop there, she thereafter (all four times) went on to share with the group that her husband had a logarithmic ruler at home, if that was what a scale ruler was (Teacher explained (also four times) that by no means is a logarithmic ruler the same as a scale ruler).

For today's session, Strangelady joined the group. She was about 25 minutes late for our 2 h session, but did not seem to bother (or know). Neither was she aware of that this was actually the second time class met, not the first. I will try to describe Strangelady to you all, without hiding my prejudices, cause why? Strangelady looks like your regular bag lady. She lacked a couple of teeth, and spoke with a very broad south swedish-accent. Well let's say, it won't make you come of very smart. She reeked a mix of old and new tobacco, and looked like she had been on drugs for the better part of her at least 55 year long life. She was asked by Teacher to do the task the others did last time, and try to catch up with the rest of us. The teacher explained her what to do, but it didn't seem to get through. She started drawing the 1:400 mm scale pattern of a dress, but was actually unable to draw a straight line even when using a ruler. I felt sorry for her, and tried to help her by explaining, showing and actually laying out the ruler for her. But I guess you can't help someone by drawing their lines for them. Poor woman, I can't help but empathetically wonder when it went wrong for her.