Wednesday, December 14, 2005


You just won't believe it (but I hope you will), my computer broke again! Despite recently reformatted harddrive, and installation of anti-virus program and firewall. I only had the windows XP verison with Service Pack 1 apparently (a week ago I lived in sweet ignorance of what a service pack was), so the windows kept suggesting updates to install, and my lovely boyfirend kept telling me to keep on updating it. When the computer last broke (less than a week ago) it happened right after I installed Service Pack 2. So I was kind of already a bit triggered to that word, Service Pack 2. And so, now when it reformatted and clean again suggested me to install this Service Pack 2, I was already a bit annoyed with the word. But trying to keep calm, I told myself that it would be a good thing for my computer. I installed it. It took forever. I restarted as it asked me to do. And then, it locked up. I force-quitted it again, and restarted, and it locked down. And then I just left. I have no patience with computers, at all. Sweet boyfriend kept on force-quitting/restarting for another 10 times or so, without the situation changing. Then he ordered the computer to un-install stupid Service Pack 2, and now it works like a charm again. Well this is the reason there were no new addition on my blog last night. Due to Service Pack 2.

Now say it with me.... "We hate Service Pack 2".


At 13:21 , Blogger Arlen said...

We DEFINITELY despise Service Pack 2 or anything else that keeps you from updating your blog. Thank you for the nice Christmas thoughts!

If you have to stress about seeing people that you really don't want to see or over crazy shopping, it kind of defeats the purpose and meaning of Christmas. But people usually accuse me of being dead because I don't stress at all (unless my football team is losing.) Merry Christmas!

At 20:34 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

YES! Bad things really defeat the purpose of Christmas, doesn't it. I wish more people would realise that, and take the time off to relax! Instead of being obliged, stressed and crazy. I love Christmas, and the true Chrismas spirit. Tomorrow I will attend my 3rd Christmas concert in less than a week, and I am so looking forward to it!


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