Thursday, May 04, 2006

Amazing Sweden

Sometimes Sweden is just amazing, and then you really appreciate it, especially if you have lived here during the past 6 months of snow, darkness and freezing cold. Just this monday it was 6 degrees. And today...

Today I am sitting on a blanket. On my lawn. Bare foot. Wearing shorts and a short-sleeved blouse. Wishing I had sunglasses to protect me from the light. Listening to the birds singing. Watching the cats trying to prey on the singing birds and some random insects. Feeling the soft warm wind. Smelling the hyacintes and tulips. Smelling the moist soil in the flowerbeds and lawn drying. Enjoying my sisters PowerBook G4, on the lawn, over airport from my apartment.

Sometimes, Sweden is just so beutiful. And especially my back yard! It is so worth the months of snow and cold to build up the expectation for spring to arrive, and the total satisfaction when it finally does. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.


At 23:28 , Blogger Arlen said...

Ah, that's only because you've never lived in Georgia!

Just kidding there!

Cute Cat must have used EVERY muscle in his body to pull that one off. And a hearty congratulations is due you for getting that timely picture to show to the world!

Have wonderful weekend...

At 21:44 , Blogger Keith Alexander said...

When I met a Swedish couple on holiday in Greece they told me their weather was much the same as the UK weather. Since I met them I have moved house to an island off North Wales.

Here the weather is much milder and this week we have had 4 warm days. Yesterday was hot. We have been eating in the garden. Our weather has, on the whole, been superior to the weather we had anout 100 miles east of here.

The great attribute of Sweden is the number of blondes! My wife is English but blonde.


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