Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Promise to self

I went to the dentist's on tuesday last week. I hadn't been for two years. By tradition, one ought to do that once a year. Since I was there last time, I have been on constant medication, which has the rather annoying side effect of drying my mouth, which of course in turn alleviates cavity formation. So to say the least, I was expecting cavities and other complaints, like dental plaques and that she would notice my sparse use of dental floss (like always).

It cost me 588 swedish crowns (~60 Euro, or 85 USD) to find out that it was all fine. It was worth every penny, or rather every öre (as the small coins are called in swedish). She took several pictures, and none of the suspected beginnings of cavity formation had changed, they were all still miniscule. My cool titanium screw holding my front tooth prosthesis, was also that unaltered. She did ask me to use dental floss regularly though, obviously not to my surprise. By definition I am actually already using dental floss regularly, like every fortnight or so. However, this argument I decided to keep to myself.

You might not believe me when I share this piece of information with you (based on my reluctancy to floss and visit the dentist), but since my visit there, I have kept the promise I made to myself; use dental floss everynight. You know, it is not all that hard to do, what's hard is to change your routines. But once you set your mind to it, and decide that you really should do something different, it bloody works. I am very proud of myself for flossing, I have to say. It has always been something I thought I should do, something I have kind of wanted to improve, but apparently not been ready for, or truely and completely set my mind to it. Do you really believe I can keep this up until my next dentist appointment? Do I believe it? Do you think she'll notice, or is that floss-phrase just standard dentistry talk? What if I next time have cavities, should I then stop flossing again?

I guess I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I have completed a mere 8 days of flossing, still 348 to go until next appointment...


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