Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Computer issues

It is not the first time, and most likely not the last. My computer is stupid, and treating me badly, so I have dumped it at my boyfriend's place to be re-formatted, and to get it out of my sight. So I will unfortunately probably be less active blogger, unless I blog more from the lab - like now, for instance.

My day has so far been; moving rats from one room to another, checking out some new cool brown rats with pretty black eyes (they are usually just white with red eyes), and locking myself into the rodent food room. Extremely productive.

Now I am off to town, to pick up some last few things; a gift to my sister from my mum, a gift for my grandmother, perhaps something small for my adorable boyfriend, and something weird for the Dirty Santa-game we'll play on the office Christmas party next thursday. I saw a very funny british tv-programme about christmas and traditions, interviewing a bunch of bitter british actors. It was lots of fun, and I finish off with a quote from one of the actors interviewed:

"The office christmas party is the chance to in one night ruin what you've built up during a whole year"


At 11:18 , Blogger Keith Alexander said...

The British office Christmas party has been responsible for some pretty wild behaviour as well as a rise in the birth rate!

I know of one young woman (she was then!)who was driven home by her boss after the party and she has now been married to him for many years.

As for me, I have always been employed in an area where the office party was resisted or not viable as it was a small workforce.


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