
So we got very cocky, like -"well how difficult was this, höhöhö, now we can just improve them a little bit, so they get more white, but that's a piece of cake". The third batch, however, looked like this...
Do note my weird face. And if you can't see it, the polka-dough just got all strange and went rock hard and we couldn't shape it into candies. Also, do note the fashionate gloves we wear. We found a recipe on the internet (while running into problems in the process of making the candy), where it said "use rubber gloves". Which was a great tip, since 150 degrees C warm sugar, is pretty warm. But we hadn't any. Oh, well dad offered us one pair which he had used to clean the sewer or something, we refrained. So instead we fasioned something based on our own winter gloves, 5L-plastic bags, and lots of sticky-tape.
We were stubborn, and went for the fourth, final batch, completely green. It turned out really good, tasty, but nowhere near polkagris-looking. But who cares! It was fun. And only a bit annoying. And I only got one small blister.
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