Time to...
...leave my cat and my parents, and go celebrate the new year in Kalmar with sweet boyfriend. I will apparently also celebrate a late christmas with his parents. They are stubborn, wanting to give me christmas gifts eventhough I think they just shouldn't. And I get to meet their lovely dog Hugo again. Apparently he pees everytime someone comes to their house, because he gets so happy. Good guard dog!
Next month will be busy, but happy i hope. I will pack up all the contents of my apartment, and move in with the best boyfriend ever (and unpack it all there). It is my birhtday on the 8th, but I haven't decided if/how to celebrate it yet. But probably some coffee with my parents at least. I will do my half-time control-seminar, presenting what I have done sofar at the lab, and defending it before an audience and two opponents. I will have to work quite a bit. And I will have to pack my suitcase, and travel to Australia and Singapore on the 29th of January. It will be so cool and warm and nice. And will reduce my blogging frequency to a minimum during a 4-week period. But afterwards, I will blog it all!
But that's next month, even next year. Now it is time to collect the sheit I have spread all over my parents' house. And pet Cute Cat to a maximum, so I can survive without him until the 2nd! How on earth will I manage being away from him for a whole month when in Australia? Putting an entire earth sphere in between the two of us. I will have to bring my laminated Cute Cat-cards, and plenty of them!
Check out the posture of the coolest attack cats ever, he lookes somewhat maaaad! Obidobi has no chance going up against him.
Det är bara en synvilla att store starke Obidobi ligger under.Strax har han satt fart på sin bror som springer iväg ut i orangeriet och upp på hyllan. Men först har Oban naffsat honom i bakbenen ett antal gånger.
Nu ligger de två godingarna och vilar sig i form för nästa attack.
Wow. Nice action shot!
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