Birthday Celebrations
We were out to celebrate a 26th birthday. We went to a beautiful restaurant in Stockholm, high above the city. The table was booked a bit too late (popular place), so I jokingly said "perhaps they'll put us in the kitchen". I was off by 2 meters...
But the food was delicious, we had a tight control of the actions in the kitchen, all the glass that was broken, and that no food was on the floor longer than 3 seconds (for the reference, I did not see any food on the floor at all). I ate some lovely fish, while the others had some (I hear) tasty piece of meat. We had lots of wine, and I ended with a delicious mangoparfait-thingy! Brilliant.
The only thing that was weird with the restaurant, and did by far not go with the style of the place were the toilet seats. They were something you might expect to find in some dingy canteen, or in the toilet of white-trash people. How ugly, and totally out of place, can something get!

Even during my most intense sea-item-period, I'd never put something like this on my toilet.
Come on little girl, sure you would... Tacky is the new stylish!
Well, I know what to get you for your birthday then...
Perhaps with a crucified Jesus in, and some barbed wire. And a dolphin.
Jätteful toa sits, nästan så att man inte blir nödig.
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