I'm a winner, apparently!
By the Fondaczione di Vittorio have I apparently been awarded 1 miljon euro. I haven't even applied for money from them, which makes it even greater! The foundation was established by multi-million groups, what does that mean? Groups that have a lot of cash? And according to them, they are now supported by the United Nations, European Union, AND Association of South East Asian Nations.
The foundation have the following goals;
* Poverty alleviation world wide
* Integrated rural development programme
* Environmental development and protection against global warming
A multi-goal foundation, apparently.
The donations they give on a yearly basis, is to 10 LUCKY recipients. So I'm one of 10 lucky people! And at least 15% of the donation should be used by me to develop part of my environment against global warming. Interesting, that UN, EU and ASEAN supports a foundation that gives away money to people that only have to use 15% of the grant on something "useful", the rest you can just piss away.
To claim the money I have to contact the branch office in Spain. Why does a italian-sounding foundation have their branch office in Spain? I should contact Dr. Perez Castro on +34 663 642 176, or on his fax +34 917 615 179. I can also send him an e-mail on foudivittorio@aol.com. The number of reference for me is NC-222-45, ES 90) and I have to quote this in my correspondence.
Apparently in order to be able to cash in my 1 miljon Euro winning, I am to keep this strictly confidential until I have collected my claim. I guess they are afraid that I might have a friend that I tell about this 'magic winning', that will tell me that I'm stupid to fall for that shit load of crap they have been feeding me. I guess the greatest threat to Fondaczioni di Vittorio is nothing more than common sense and source criticism.
And here's the vice president of the Board himself. The man that made it all possible for me to cash in 1 miljon euro, I give you, Dr. Antonio Gomez

Apparently the Fondaczio di Vittorio have a website too, www.fondazionedivittorio.it
How could it be that a foundation that first is named Fondaczione di Vittorio, later have the website without that "c" in Fondaczione?
Thanks mum, dad, sister, and PhD education, for teaching me the importance of common sense and source criticism!
Niklas på mykologen vann han med...skickade ett mail där han förklarde hur dumma de var... fick sedan massmail tillbaka som krachade hela hans mailbox... Som det kan gå när man vinner!!
Kram Ylva och grabbarna
Hehe, ja då bevisades det ju verkligen hur dumma, och ganska elaka de är. Att folk ens orkar sitta och hitta på sånt skit!
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