Saturday, January 26, 2008


When I came home from my skin care class yesterday evening our outdoors candle holder was gone. Nowhere to be found. I wasn't too surprised - I was more surprised that it had been able to remain there for more than a month now! I put it outside because only people living/coming to our specific floor (6 apartments) would even regularly see the candle holder, and my reasoning was that you wouldn't steal from your immediate neigbours. I mean what would you do with the candle holder, just put it outside your door instead. It's not like we wouldn't see it, and steal it back while giving the evil eye.

The neighbours in 323 had a party, with an obscene amount of drunk youngsters (I feel old just seeing some them in the stair well - older, and SO happy not to be in their place still). And Joding reported that someone had rung our doorbell, and when he had opened, no-one was there. So probably the incidents are connected with the candle holder-stealing, but how could we prove anything? Well, I put up a note that the one stealing our candle holder, could kindly return it to 225 at the bottom of the stairwell - convinced this wouldn't give any actual result, it was more for my own peace of mind.

When I came out this morning I met our downstairs neighbour - and efficiently changed our relationship to a mutual annoyment to one of total agreement. Don't you just love common enemies, and how these can unite! He told me that he had seen a candle light holder with an orange candle in the flower bed, while pointing out my direction to head for it. I found it - in this shape...

It's crooked, and all the glass is broken - so I'll just have to throw it away, with a bit of sadness. Not only for the lamp, but that with that sting you feel when an anonymous someone has stolen something from you. And in this case, not even to use it themselves or sell it to someone that can use it, but only stealing to destroy, and then rub it in by leaving it close enough for me to find the next day. So unnecessary.

But what can you do. Shrug, and be happy that you yourself are not one of those tragic people doing these stupid acts for whatever reason they have.


At 19:02 , Blogger Rosa said...

Jag önskar dom som gjort detta själv en gång får uppleva samma sak och att det slår dom då att det var bra dumt att göra så själv.
Man blir så arg.


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