Monday, December 19, 2005


More often nowadays you can follow the progress of your article from being submitted until finally accepted. I re-re-submitted my manuscript little over a week ago now. Since then its status was the first day 'Awaiting editorial office processing', and up until this morning 'On review'. This morning its status was changed to 'With editor-in-chief'. Before lunch I was preparing for our Monday Journal Club-meeting, during which I was to present a phenomena of aberrant migration of neurons after epilepsy. I sat there and thought, "With editor-in-chief, this mean that something is about to happen. Maybe the paper can be accepted before Christmas even!". I assumed my presentation would be fine, and thought, "what if after the presentation is overwith I come back to my office, and see the editor-in-chief having sent me a nice acceptance e-mail, how happy I would be!". My presentation didn't feel to have gone so well. I was uninterested, and bored even myself. But the editor-in-chief had e-mailed me, and let me know that my article is finally accepted for publication in European Journal of Neuroscience. And I was happy, but not as happy as I had expected. I told my room mates at work, my professor, my supervisor, and called my boyfriend. And that was it. I know about this feeling of meaninglessness after having finally achieved something you have been waiting for a long time. But I expected the happiness to last somewhat longer than a few minutes. When I had told "everyone", it just didn't feel so special or fun anymore, and the sensation of having made a proper achievment was just not there. So weird. I wonder what the point is to look forward to something for a really long time, work hard for something you define as a "goal", and when you finally get there. You enjoy it for a few minutes, and that is it?

I am supposed to celebrate tonight with my boyfriend, and tomorrow at the lab. But I just don't feel like it anymore. The expectation is much better than the actual achievment, and by not celebrating, I think I feel I have a chance to ignore the acheivement and get back the feeling of expectation and waiting I had yesterday, or even this morning. Why is it so hard to satisfy some people?

I am babbling. Back tomorrow.


At 23:31 , Blogger Joanna Arcieri said...

Congratulations! That's really cool and impressive. More impressive than anything I could ever do. Congrats again and enjoy it :)

At 10:15 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Hey Cinefille,
Thanks! I am really trying to enjoy it. Yesterday night I shared a bottle of champagne with my boyfriend over a couple of games of 'Ticket to Ride' (a really cool boardgame). And today, we are having a meeting at work, to which me and my supervisor will bring even more champagne! Champagne is excellent for celebrations, as long as it is not too bitter. And you, of course you can do (and I am sure you are already doing) just as impressive things!! Maybe you don't feel it is so impressive (like me with this article), but others surely see them as truely impressive (like you with my article). Don't you think?

At 05:07 , Blogger Joanna Arcieri said...

Somehow I followed that. But yes I get what you're saying. And boardgames rock btw. "Trivial Pursuit: Genius Edition" is a personal favorite.

At 09:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are using the word "boyfriend" a litte bit too much. Does he have a name? You dont have to underline that he is your boyfrined every time you refer to him. As this post shows you have other achievements in life that can and should satisfy your ego.

At 14:48 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey there,

Set up your goals higher, something more meaningful than having your manuscript published. In the path of reaching the goal, you will learn somethings more valuable than the goal itself.

As Woody Allen mentioned in his interview with "France 24", we have to netretain ourselves with trivial problems and goals, but the real questions have stayed unanswered such as "what is the meaning of life?""what happens when we die?"" what is beyond Universe?" and you name it.

I also suggest you to see the last scene in Woody Allen's movie "Hanna and her sisters", and if you have time, the whole movie ;) may find your answers there.

All the best.


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