La burbujita (the bubble)
I have had a break, as you might have noticed, or might have not. But none the less, I have had a break. I have pulled all my efforts to make a conference trip to Berlin possible. And I did it. I bloody did it! In retrospect I am pleased I went, pleased I stayed, pleased I interacted with so many I had never met before, and pleased my presentations went so well (one poster presentation and one oral presentation for all the participants (~40), both summarizing my latest scientific ehrhm...breakthroughs).
I learnt a lot of scientific stuff during a very jam packed week of lectures and social events, but also I learnt a little something about myself. I conversed with most of the other participants during the week, and at three separate occations I was told how great it must be to be so easy going, social and have the same level self-esteem as me. The first conversation was with this dutch guy, who explained to me how asocial and shy he felt, and how it must be brilliant to have it so "easy" as I do! I was provoked. I tried to make him understand how I did not feel a bit more social than he did, how I have worked my sweet little arse off to improve my skills to communicate and socialize with others, and how this was by no means something that was put into my genes or something that had come easily. And I also tried to let him realize the complete paradox; him sitting there talking to me, telling me how asocial and shy he is. I think parts of it got through. How it is all a matter of a combination of facade, practice, and techniques not coming without some hard work, stress, and nervousity.
It was a week. A whole week. In Berlin. No cute cat. I missed him like crazy.
About the picture. It is suppose to be me. On a river boat. After a number of Berliner (Berlin beer), wearing my new hat. My boyfriend is of the opinion that it reminds him of an old-lady-hat. I, not saying that it is a contradiction from previous statements, think it is cute. The spanish girl I hung out with on the boat trip called me burbujita the entire time, little bubble. I love both the shape of bubbles, and the word bubble as such, so I took it as a compliment. And did nothing to stop her. Rather, it seems I am trying to spread the nick name, does it not?
Burbujita, Wow...your picture is splendid! Very attractive. Glad to have you back and glad that you enjoyed yourself. I think it's pretty amazing how I now sorta know someone all the way across the world because of blogging and 24...HA!
Hey Arlen,
I have missed chatting to you! And blogging. But sometimes you just kind of have other stuff to do, weird! I could definitely blog most of my awake time, if it only gave me some money to buy some food for me and cute cat. But I can't see that happening, so I need to continue going to the lab. It was nice to go on a conference trip. All payed for by stipends I had gotten, and just a lot of time to relax and enjoy myself. Or rather, there wasn't much time in the schedule from the beginning, so I MADE myself some time to relax =).
I am trying to find an excuse to spend a bit over 50 dollars on the second 24-series. I need to save for my trip to the colleagues wedding in Vienna in august (I can't miss her getting married in the pretty wedding dress I am making for her, right?). And I might go to New York in august too, for another conference. And I have plans to go to Australia next january/february for a couple of weeks, and for that I need money too. But I will try hard finding an excuse for myself to still buy the 24. I need the excitement soon!
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