Help me choooooose!
Unfortunantely, it has come to my attention that I need new glasses. This by me not being attentive to what's going on a few meters in front of me, which is generally a bad thing. I really just wanted to save up for the Australia trip, and not spend money (it'll be like 3500-4000 SEK, i.e. around 500 USD or 400 euro) on anything else. But I realised, what's the point in going to Australia, if I can't see anything there? Of course I can take pictures with the autofocus on, and look at them when I get back home, but that's just stupid.
I went to a store where I've been before, and the woman I talked to was so very kind (that's not usual for me). She was really helpful, and alleviated the narrowing down to 4 pairs of glasses to choose between, and I now have them all at home. I am thinking about selling off these frames in order to to afford the glasses I'll buy, but I don't think I'll get away with that.
Please help me choose. I have taken pictures of myself wearing all the four frames, so now I can see myself what I look like in the glasses more than very upclose in a mirror. Please please, let me know what you think. I need opinions.
The biggest question I think is if I should go with something very similar to what I have. Pro this is: I really like the ones I have, but I need to buy new since they are 5 years old now otherwise they'll just break soon anyway. Speaking against going with similar frames is the obvious; when you've spent that much money on something, you want someone noticing it, letting you know just how great you look. And people are less likely to notice if I go with similar frames (which actually are quite frameless, see below). Of course, they'll notice how I won't walk in to them, but maybe I need more than that.
First pair:
(uploading issues, will be blogged soon)
Similar to the ones I have now, but not the same.
Second pair:

A nice red frame, with stripes in reddish colours on the part going to the ear.
Third pair:

Black bows, turning into grey-white on the outer rim.
Fourth pair:

Nice, thin, light metal frames. Slightly purple, but were probably available in other colours as well.
ska bli spännande att se dom i verkligheten, det är lättare att välja då. Oftast är dom bäst de man själv gillar.
Med reservation för att jag bara sett de här små bilderna på bågarna och inte sett hur lika dina gamla bågar par ett är, tycker jag att par två och ett är de snyggaste alternativen.
alltså jag ber att få tänka lite på det här va. kanske man kan få se dem live snart eller?
Since I can't see the first pair, I would vote for pair # 2. They make for a softer, more feminine look, yet an intellectual appeal for the scientist that you are.
Just my opinion (that and $5 will get you a cup of delicious coffee at Starbuck's.) Either way, I think Cute Cat will be jealous of the competition!
Peter: det är bäst du kommer hit och tittar på dem i verkligheten.
Sofie: det samma gäller dig, det är klart du måste se dem snart! jag ska åka till kattarp i helgen, men i nästa vecka liksom (min dator hängde sig igår, därför jag "pluppade").
Mamma: gör dig beredd att bedömma vilka som är snyggast
Arlen: thanks for your opinion. it is really hard to choose for yourself. I have two favourites myself, so we'll see how it goes.
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