Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ice-bits keep falling on my head

My very wet autumn garden, if you look closely you'll see the ice-bits

...tra la la laalalalaala la

Or was it "rain dops" in the original song?

Anyway, ice-bits were actually falling hard on my head, or at least on my poor umbrella when walking over to the pharmacy. I had to go there asap to pick up my penicillin, to bar the way for the stupid tonsillitis infection in my throat. I woke up, or rather I was woken up (by a series of meows) around 6 am, and realised I had a hard time to swallow my saliva, my throat was in pains along with my neck and head. I took some fluor tablets, because sometimes I get a pained feeling in my throat when my throat is just too dry, and these fluor tablets increase saliva production as well. I woke up again at 10, or rather I was woken up (this time by a series of beeps coming from my alarm clock), and realised that the pain had not subsided, and if anything it was worse.

I went to the bathroom mirror with the front lamp of my bike (never thought I'd ever use a sentence like that), and feared the worst. With a flick of a button to turn the lamp on, my fears all came true. My throat was red (more than normal), I had small areas of elevation, I had a lump of yellow something, and my tonsils were swollen. I called my doctor friend, told her that all my symptoms fit tonsilitis, plus that this is something I have at least once every year. She called in the prescription to my closest pharmacy, and that is what made me go out with my poor umbrella today.

Rain makes also my cool fluffy Ecco-shoes wet, and not so fluffy.

I picked up the penicillin. It was only 27 kr (3 euro, 4 USD), which of course made me happy. You must focus on the bright sides, always! And when having tonsillitis, the bright sides are; 1. knowing that there is a simple and very effective cure at your closest pharmacy, and 2. what I found out today - you get it almost for free! There is also a the very bright side of it being ok that you spend a whole day on the couch under a blanket, watching old movies, eating ice cream!

Ice-bits falling from the sky. 5.5 degrees Celsius. Bright leaves and dark skies.
That's autumn for you!


At 17:36 , Blogger Arlen said...

You did good! The song IS Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head, written by Burt Bacharach, orginally performed by B.J. Thomas and featured prominently in the 1969 movie release of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. But to tell you the truth, I liked your ice bits...

At 02:11 , Blogger Poff said...

shiiiit, är det verkligen regn man ser på bilden alltså!

At 10:58 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Nej inte regn, hagel. Snäppet värre. Blä!


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