Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween sisters

My sister and I went to a very very nice Halloween dinner last night. We were instructed to dress up like something, and for me Halloween you should go scary. So I thought maybe a ghost or something...

But then my American friend let me know that you don't have to be scary for Halloween; I believe her quote was "Halloween is just an excuse to dress as slutty". But slutty dressing is often very sparse clothing, and the temperature is constantly below 10 C these days, so I wanted to look for a compromise. Slutty, but lots of clothes. I went geisha, a golden middleway.

My sister still decided to go scary (my words, not hers), but in the gothic type-of-way. Goth, another way to go quite dressed, but still very slutty, if you like.

Arty-farty gothic angel counter-light picture.


At 14:40 , Blogger Arlen said...

Gorgeous! But if you would have had a red star around your right eye, you could have gone as Paul Stanley of KISS...

At 17:05 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Hehe, you're right Arlen. I am not so sure he would have chosen the clothes I did though. More like something my sister had on. And isn't it a black or very dark blue star he has most of the time?

At 17:20 , Blogger Arlen said...

Yeah, it's his lips he paints red (hey, I'm over 50...)

At 00:13 , Blogger Poff said...

helt coola bilder! hade partyt varit idag hade jag kunnat komma helt outklädd, jag har nämligen bandage runt huvet och ser verkligen ut som det akutfall jag är. :)

At 13:46 , Blogger Mz B said...

Arlen, I'm not sure being over 50 is an excuse in this case... since Paul Stanley also is way over 50 :).

At 19:23 , Blogger Arlen said...

mz b, perhaps you are correct or maybe it's because some days my thinking (and writing) only go at pedestrian speeds...

At 11:51 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

In your defense Arlen, I don't think Paul even knows which colours his make up is most days.


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