Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What every baby needs

I cannot remember ever blogging this picture, although I have thought about it several times. If you have seen it before on my blog, please let me know, and I might apologize for repeting myself. But it is just so important that everyone get to see these lovely pacifiers.

It is avaliable in pink with a little pink flower on, or in blue. I assume for girls and boys respectively (and stereotypically). Either colour you choose to go for, you get the back and ring of the pacifier in 18k gold. All for the price of 432 euro (approx 550 USD) each. A small price for such a brilliant gift (do note the pure irony). I better hope the baby will suck onto it hard, really hard.

These pacifiers were found in a jewellery store in Salzburg, I really hope they are still avaliable (i.e. no-one has bought any of them). What a waste!

I suggest the expression "being born with a silver spoon" is immediately replaced with "being born with a gold pacifier".


At 16:41 , Blogger Rosa said...

Hoppas att själva nappen som baby suger på går att byta ut, annars gäller det att ha en stor börs. För det går ju några nappar om året.

At 10:08 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Jag tror man behöver en riktigt stor börs för att överhuvudtaget köpa en. Så köper man en, har man säkert råd att köpa ett par om året. Kanske nåt ni kan köpa in till dagis? Barnomsorgen har väl ett rejält överskott på pengar, eller? =)

At 16:40 , Blogger Rosa said...

Jag hoppas att du är ironisk-jag ska ta upp det med mina chefer när jag ska på utv-samtal.


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