I like to...

ride my bicycle, I like to ride my (dad's) bike.
Sun's out, 20 degrees Celsius. Dropping off Cute Cat at my parents' place (since I am going to Jodings parents over Easter). It's not possible to resist driving the motorbikes for a while, stopping for an ice-cream. I know I shouldn't eat ice-cream (according to project 'Workout'), but it couldn't be stopped. The weather was warm and nice, and the ice-cream cool - and only 99 kcal. Then it's ok. =)
My mum gave me a little Easter-gift, I fear it's chocolate. Sofie, can I eat it in such case. I can't throw it away, and I can't just leave it in the cupboard, then it'll tempt and annoy me every day.
Damned. I just opened my Easter gift. It was Bouchées from Côte d'Or, I will have to eat them Sofie, that's just the way it is. But then project Workout will be reuptaken.
It lasted very long that project of yours. Eat the chocolate, eat all of it. I'm thinking of going out for some ice-cream myself now... just a quick shower.
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