A grand selection
I have some pictures I have really wanted to blog, but just never gotten around to it. So here goes.
A last glance of Stockholm while the train is rolling southbound for Lund.
Packing down the apartment, getting ready to move. But some things you can't just remove, without a prior eternalisation. A lovely heart in refridgerator poetry, made by my very own Joding. I cite, "Saring (i.e. me) is as sweet as sugar, and as hot as fire". Well, actually not "fire", but more like fire remnants, the glow, but that is not as cool word. And it's my blog, so I can translate however I want!

And a post isn't really complete without Cute Cat. He is "helping" me to cut out stuffing fabric for those 7 chairs I found a month ago, and have decided to put new pretty fabric on, and use as guest chairs. So 7 people, get ready to come over for dinner, and use my new pretty chairs. If Cute Cat ever lets me cut the fabric, without stealing the measuring tape, throwing himself kamikaze-style at the scissors while I'm cutting, and stop nest-building and sleeping on the fabric. And in general just stop being so cute, so I can get anything else done.
Istället för att busa när Sara klär om stolarna så kan du ju klä om dom själv Viggo.
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