Justice has finally caught up with me. In the form of a ring on my doorbell an evening two weeks ago. I wondered who could want me anything at this hour, so I opened. There was a rather pretty man outside my door. He had nice dark brown eyes, and stood pretty long enough to make me quite interested in what he wanted to say. Seeing how I absolutely did not recognize him, and he looked so innocent. And seemed so innocent, because after a little wait, he said "I hope I'm not interrupting or disturbing your evening in any way". I said "no, absolutely not", and smiled. A pretty innocent man deserves a smile.
But he wasn't innocent, not at all. The next second he struck - out of nowhere - and said "so you haven't had time to register your TV at Radiotjänst yet". It wasn't really a question, more like a general fact. I couldn't get another word than "no" out. A word that a non-innocent man deserves! My tv was on in the background, so even if I had had the presence to lie, I really couldn't have gotten away with it anyway. He, still very politely said - "but then we'll fix that now", and he helped me fill out a form. And yesterday it came. The bill for the stupid TV.

It just further confirms my belief, brown-eyed boys can trick me into pretty much anything - paying my TV bill, getting married, etc.
hehe...och du går på det varje gång! Se upp! Jag kan hjälpa dig med det problemet om du vill, vi kan göra en kognitiv kartläggning...vad säger du?
Hmm, jag säger att det är försent vad gäller val av man och betalning av TV-avgift, men kanske det finns något annan framtida situation jag kan lära mig undvika? =)
hahahahaha! men Sara! och det här får jag veta via din blogg, en sån milstolpe. Jag är road. Mitt förslag är att du låter han där hemma - han med de bruna ögonen - betala räkningen, så var det löst. Nån vits måste det ju vara med att förlova sig.
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