Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Melvin misses Cute Cat

Since the Melvster can't take out his agression on Cute Cat, he has kept himself busy with other subjects.

First out - my shoes. It looks like someone is trying to frame him for all the shoe-carrying. Both shoes in the pair, neatly arranged in his sleeping basket.
Second. Do you see what this is? Well, I'll tell you. This used to be a very furry rat. It was a gift from my parents to Cute Cat, NOT to Melvin. But he took matters in his own hands, I mean in his own jaw, and skinned the hairy bastard down to his plastic sub-fur-ic skeleton. And the fur is nowhere to be found. Or, I've seen extra-fur-containing excrements lately...

And, not only does he carry shoes, he also kills some. To a greater extent - and to my joy - preferentially Joding's shoes. Joding says it's because Melvin just loves and misses him more when he's at work. I say it's because Melvin dislikes Joding, but loves me. In the eye of the beholder. Note how the one is totally scratched on the inside, and the other has a broken leather rim.

Baaaaad dog!


At 06:30 , Blogger Rosa said...

Glöm inte att sätta in alla skorna i garderoben. Har ni ett par trätofflor så låt de stå framma så får han något att bita i.


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