Sunday walk
A brilliant early autumn sunday, a perfect day for playing with the other dogs.
Melvin, Johan, and the Jack Russel Egon
Melvin and his friend Lingo (the Jack Russel)
Melvin is being greeted by the huge Assar.
Melvin and the other Jack Russel Vilma.
After having been trampled by the big dogs a few times, and crying running to mummy for cover, he took shelter between people's legs to avoid the huge monsters.
Today there were about 12 dogs present, and another 3 jack russels apart from tiny Melvin, here he's playing with Vilma and Egon. The third Jack Russel Lingo is more experienced Sunday Walker, and is totally busy attacking the bigger dogs.
Melvin and the Manchester terrier
At the end he was all exhausted, so no problems to get him posing
The boys in autumn glory
But there were still something left in him when we got home, because then he attacked Cute Cat. He probably used all his feeling of inferiority from the sunday walk, and took it out on Cute Cat.
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