A case of the mondays
You know you've had a case of the mondays when things have gone bad all day.
* You couldn't find the key for the bike this morning.
* You thought you were so smart when thinking "oh, since I arrive at the blood central / apoteket with the bus, why don't I go pick up my medicine that I need for tomorrow, and donate some blood while I'm here". It turns out the blood central is closed, and you have neither money nor prescription.
* Finally in the office, the first thing that happens to you is that the boss hurls out some random comment that reminds you of how you don't have any control of your own education, work or life - all is in the hands of someone else. You try to find support from others but are just dismissed.
* After work you wants to get revenge with the previously closed blood central. It's open, but very busy. And you sit in line for 40 minutes before it's your turn. All to find out that you have to wait one month after arriving back from the states before you can donate blood. Those horrible infectious americas - apparently.
Luckily it is Tuesday tomorrow...
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