Sunday, November 18, 2007

Penis cake II

There's an art to making novelty cakes - and I'm the king!

It was a colleagues bachelorette party yesterday, and I brought the ultimate gift - A penis cake!

If you want to do your own. Make two sponge cakes in ovensafe bread trays, cut them to form a rough penis.
Divide all pieces in two (heightwise) and fill with one layer jam (e.g. raspberry), and one layer thick vanilla cream).

Make or buy marsipan (1 kg), and dye with red and yellow food colour - red:yellow 3:1. By adding a bit yellow you take the edge of the pig pink, and instead aquire this penis pink. Spread out plastic foil under and over the marsipan dough, and use a rolling pin to make it super flat - and spread over cake.

You will have some marsipan to spare - make a bunch of decorative small penises in different shapes and sizes.


At 17:45 , Blogger Elisabet said...

Jag vill ha tårta!!


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