Your regular protester
At high school they called me "Rebellen", the Rebel. And then also a bunch of other names containing "ellen". Apparently I was rebelling a lot. I understand what they were referring to. And they would probably call me the same still today.
I can be such a protester at times. If something or someone annoys me, I feel a strong subconscious urge to protest. This urge soon becomes very concious, and often I choose not to stop it. Yesterday I was really annoyed with this guy. He is in charge of a special microscope I'm using currently, and he has a lot more experience using it (obviously!) than I have. But he still doesn't know how special the tiny tiny structure that I'm looking at is, and in the way I'm looking at it.
Usually the microscope has a maximum of x63 objective, but I really feel I see my cells better with the x100 objective. Him and me had this discussion about a month ago, and now yesterday again. Since we talked about it a month ago, I thought it was enough - but yesterday we discussed the exact same thing again. And he gets really annoyed. He doesn't want me knicking the x100 objective from the other microscope, and just keeps on telling me how he has already investigated the matter and have decided that the x63 objective is much better than the x100 objective, and it's just a matter of being good enough with the microscope settings that is the problem (i.e. his telling me that the real problem is that I'm not good enough using the microscope). This obviously annoys me, since he doesn't know shit about my tiny structure, what is required to see it properly. Plus, if I am bad at using the microscope, fucking give me a course then, help me out. Don't just conclude that I'm bad, and leave! And perhaps trust me a bit. Don't be so arrogant to think that you know EVERYTHING about anything people can look at using that microscope!
Today he came crawling back. He needed the microscope for 30 minutes or so, and asked if he could jump in during my lunch. And I said "of course, just tell me when your staining is ready, and when you need to use the microscope, and I'll scooch out of your way". So fucking kind of me. I loove to be superkind to people that have been mean to me. When he came the second time he said "by the way, I'm really sorry about yesterday, but you know blabla", where blabla= a bunch of excuses. I just said "I understand, don't worry, but perhaps you would like to look at a comparison between the x63 and x100 on my sections?". How could he say no to that? And I showed him, and he said he understands me, that there might still be more I can do with the settings for the microscope, but that he understands.
I can't tell you what a good feeling I have inside now. I was the better person, stood my ground, and I won! =)
And now to the protesting bit. He's the one teaching people how to use the confocal, so he has shown how he likes to use the three flat screens connected to the microscope. You need a bunch of windows open to see the cell, to run and adjust the microscope etc. He teaches which software screen you should have open in which monitor. Just to protest, I have started open the software in different screens than what I've been taught. He noticed today. And it made me feel even happier. Such a silly way to protest. I love it.
HEJA, HEJA!! Inte heller jag kan hålla tyst... Kanske det var något i vattnet i Kattarp?!?
Hehe, ja det är fullt möjligt. Det en bra egenskap att säga ifrån!
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