Thursday, November 03, 2005

Crossword puzzle magic

On tuesday the new issue of the superior crossword puzzle magazine 'Bra Korsord' was released in the stores nationwide. It is a monthly magazine with crossword puzzles in three severity levels. I haven't been able to go to the store picking up the magazine until today, and now I feel much happier. I love a newly printed, flat, untouched crossword puzzle magazine, which you know since previous issues contain so many excellent challenges, and so much entertainment.

But "my" magazine has been fitted with some novelties, sudoku, in three levels. I haven't yet fallen into the world of Sudoku, to which I know many relatives and friends are being lost. I am filled with prejudical thoughts about how boring it is, thoughts which I am reluctant to give up just yet. As it is now, there are only three small sudokus in my crossword puzzle magazine, and I truly hope this won't increase at the expense of any of my favourite crosswords. Then I'd be maaaad. You don't joke about something as joygiving as crosswords, especially not about losing regular access to your favourite ones. It is a shame though, that my stupid cold has increased, at the expense of my health and capability to work on my crosswords. The cold has now moved from first throat only, to throat/cough only, to throat/cough/mucous only, to throat/cough/mucous/nose/sinuses/head. It really sucks. Ban all viruses!


At 23:08 , Blogger Joanna Arcieri said...

Ahhh, I love crossword puzzles myself and cannot get enough of them. I usually do two per day and attempt the weekly NY Times one. Yes, it's sad but true.

At 07:40 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Dear Swede,
I am just afraid that if I start subscribing to the magazine I will start feeling obliged to puzzle, and it will feel more like a job than something pleasant (this has happened before, so I prefer to go to the stores). Plus if I buy it at a store, I can choose a really flat one, and not have it destroyed by some uncareful postman.

I dreamt about your cats by the way. I saved them from hand grenades and evil murderers. My new medication had a potential to give nightmares as a side effect, I really think I am there. Every night, either me/someone I care for is killed/chased/badly treaten. And sometimes it is just evil in general to people I don't know, lots of blood, death and icky-ness. Quite fascinating though, that a drug can cause awful dreams. I wonder if there is another drug that will give you happy, colourful, bouncing around, soft, lovely dreams?

At 07:43 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

I really don't think there is anything sad at all about doing crossword puzzles. For a while I felt like an old lady, especially in combination with my other activities (knitting, petting my cat, sleeping on my sofa etc.). But I didn't care then, and now I know that many other non-'old ladies' puzzle as well. It is a great way to relax, but still keep your brain active. Keep it up!


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