Excellent autumn!
Is it not lovely, it is finally here: autumn. You rarely hear anything positive about it though, do you? Which is a shame. People get into negative circles of: cold, windy, damp, dark, depressive. Maybe you should try a new circle, with the potential of making you happier, eventhough it is autumn. I think autumn is very pretty, eventhough I agree about all the negative things about winter, all but one. It does not have to be depressive, and all the negative things does not have to be so negative. Why not try to enjoy all the great things there is about autumn, and focus on enjoying them. For instance:
* staying in a warm bed when you hear the wind and rain outside (this is not possible everyday of course, some of you have to work, but why not set the alarm ten minutes earlier so you can really enjoy being in bed, or enjoying it when you go to bed at night or during the weekends)
* going for a long walk, wearing all your woolly items of clothing
* kicking leaves
* feeding the ducks (please avoid the bird-flu infected though, otherwise you might not last to enjoy the entire autumn)
* buying new kinds of tea
* renting/buying films
* cuddling in the sofa with too many blankets, duvets and pillows
* hot chocolate - try it with some orange chocolate, or by squeezing fresh orange into it
* Thermos jugs
* the different scents of air: one day humid with a touch of wet decomposing leaves/wet ground, one day fresh and clear, one day with nostalgic sugar refinery smell (for you who grew up next to another sugar refinery only) , and the next day very cold and crisp air.
* mittens/hats/gloves/scarves - you can finally get them all out, and put them all on!
* enjoying the darkness outside from inside your apartment/house
* using window lamps to light you apartment
* lighting candles (beware of cute cats might pass close by, sniff into the candle bulb, and accidently say lose two whiskers, the one falling off, the other curling up. Just as a random example. I have a friend, and her cute cat...)
* playing board games all evening
* taking a long warm bath
* fine dark chocolate
* making your own truffles (for recipe see 'Equilibrium')
And so on, and so forth. You can of course mix the above things; say put on all your warm wolly clothing, take a nice walk, kicking leaves and feeding the non-infected ducks, calmly sipping your hot chocolate from the Thermos jug. Or maybe, rent a couple of films, cuddling in the sofa with all your duvets and blankets, lighting candles, and having some of your new tea. Just try it.
Autumn is here, you can't change that. But you can actually change your attitude. And it is not so hard as you might think to replace your negative circles. And as soon as you accidently slip into "autumn sucks!", immediately think "NO it doesn't, autumn is so lovely and cozy, I know this" (if you don't know it yet, replace "I know this" with, "someone I trust told me so"). And then go into a circle of: 'indoors, warmth, cozyness, candles, kicking leaves, mittens, tea, dark chocolate, mmm, autumn is great!'
Ps. Please feel free to comment on more things to add to the 'Excellent autumn'-list. I am sure you can think of something else that helps you make your autumn nicer! (thanks to my great technical knowledge, now anyone can comment, also you, just go ahead!)
I love the fall. Crisp, clean air sets in, beauty abounds, majestic nature... Then winter hits, THAT'S when it gets S#%TTY!!!!
For Anonymous,
Do you know Haiku?
Here, some poetry for you.
Stop sending me spam.
(Haiku: short text, three lines. first line 5 syllables, second line 7 syllables, and third line 5 syllables. Originally in japaneese, but works fine in any language)
For Starbender,
Just wait until it gets winter, then I will blog about how to keep the spirit up despite snow, slush, and general slippering about.
Thanks for reading/commenting!
i love walking back home from class in fall. its dark when i get out...and the combination of the darkness and the cool wind on my face makes me nostalgic! it makes me feel special...it makes me love the thought that i am in love. i love it when a leaf just falls in my path...it makes me feel as though it fell just for me! and yes, i love drinking pumpkin spice latte on my way back! heaven is on earth innit? and sister sweden...i ADORE your blog! but more than that...i am in awe of your point if view, intelligence and perception of things. but i AM curious...why do say youre not well? mind telling me whats wrong?
Pumpkin spice latte sounds really interesting, I have never tried it. And never heard of it before. Thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for saying nice things about it and about me. As my profile says I am post-depressive, by which I mean that I am struggling to get out of a stupid depression that has been holding me back for the past year. But I am moving forward, but it is slow, frustrating. A real pain in the ass, you might say. But I really enjoy the moments/days/(nowadays sometimes also 'weeks'), when I feel better, when I feel like 'myself' a bit more. When I am active, happy, keen on doing things, social and enjoy things. Soon, soon, I will be myself altogether again. You are sweet to ask, hope you understand better now why I don't consider myself totally well yet, and feel free to ask more if you want to. I don't mind talking about it. Depression is a totally stupid disease, but it is actually possible to get well again.
wow!you're quite popular aren't ya?so many people love your blog and follow up on it regularly(myself included!).& for once, i dont have a problem being a face in the crowd coz in this case...the crowd has a solid reason for being around you.you shine through sister sweden.you really do!most people today lack 'substance'!you got it bam on target!& if it doesnt make me sound snobbish...it takes one to know one!right??have a great day!
For Tuxxee,
Hehe, I love the photo too, a good friend of mine has taken it. Unfortunantely he has moved too far away from me, and I miss him. But I hope to see him soon again! It is quite easy to look very difficult and unattainable with sunglasses, and cool of course! Plus that you can stare at anyone you like, without them noticing it. But it is harder to get away with wearing sunglasses at the moment, unfortunantely. Maybe to avoid getting leaves or falling chest nuts in your eyes, but I think the excuse is a bit too far fetched.
Keep on hugging people, that is a really great thing to do! Wish I had someone to hug at the moment. I guess I have to force cute cat to cuddle with me. He'll be mad...
For the pumpkin spice latte-drinker:
I told some of my friends that I had started blogging, and if they wanted to read it they were very welcome. I had no idea other people read it. I just love to write, it is a great way to get stuff out and release some creativity. So I do it for myself entirely, but of course, it is great to know that others read it, and especially that they appreciate it. Thanks for saying more nice things! I hope you continue reading the blog, and dropping some greetings now and again!
Now I need to get this stupid work out-sweat off me, if you don't mind knowing.
2 words. FULL CIRCLE. you either have friends that read your blog OR there are people who read your blogs you can go on to be friends with. having said that, i think we're both good being behind our own dark-glasses...knowing each other as Sister Sweden and Pumpkin Spice Latte Drinker (PSLD). and although i cant refer to any context here i'd still like to add that...Depression is not a demon.i've been working with it for the past 3 years...its become a part of me now...its become my source for deep thoughts and introspection. and steering back on track after that little diversion...you have a wonderful day! :-)
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