Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas parteeeey!

I am most often spontaneously quite reluctant, and anxious about going to a social event. Like the Lab Christmas Dinner/Party I was at yesterday. I have not written the last couple of days, as you might have noticed, and this is solely because I have been feeling unnecessarily worried, stressed, and borderline crying all the time. Stressed out about socialising.

But finally, yesterday, my good friend Malin really helped me out getting to the party, with some relatively easy methods. With no agenda staying the whole evening, I arrived to the venue, decorated the tables, had glögg (warm swedish christmas drink), ate excellent food, played the Dirty Santa christmas gift-game, had drinks/beer, tidied, and danced all night. The last three fighters, me and two great colleagues, went home around 4 am this morning. And I was not sober, although having previously more or less decided not to have more than a glass of wine and a beer or two. I still am not too convinced of my sobriety, so you'll have to excuse my poor eloquency.

We dealt with topics like what event would give the highest scandal-factor (I think we decided on two of our superior male colleagues getting intimate with eachother), we sang (some better than others), and we had a generally good time. We also counted our Fi-indexes (indices?). This was something I had never heard of before. Your Fi-index, or fuck-index, is the number of years separating the birth year of the oldest person with whom you've slept, from the birth year of the youngest one you've been with. These years are then multiplied with your total number of intimate partners, and you get your Fuck-index. Most of the ones there had indexes around 100-300, whereas I (subsequently voted least cool) wound up with a current Fi of 28. That is not cool. Well well, the reason is that my age difference factor is only 4 years. So now you smart ones can calculate my total number.

So as you see, it was by no means a serious party. And man did we have fuuuuuun!


At 17:19 , Blogger Arlen said...

Actually, you are quite eloquent in your writing all of the time. I enjoy reading about your adventures. That's what is so nice about blogging: it let's you see the lives of others that you would otherwise have no idea existed.

Yes, we all have our down times and negative moments, but reading about someone else's life put things into perspective. People are people and that's nice to know!

At 20:01 , Blogger Sister Sweden said...

Too many believe that they are the only ones with problems, fears and strange ideas, and that everyone else live these perfect lives. That's just so much bollocks. Everybody can describe their life so it sounds/seems perfect to someone else, and we all have the same basic issues to deal with. Or so I believe at least.


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