Friday, June 02, 2006

Bruised and battered

I am not sure it is fully possible to appreciate the level of bruising my body is featuring at the moment by just looking at this picture. But I hope it can give you some idea at least (the lower dark thing is not a shadow...), together with the following text. The bruising on my arm is due to a very strong and aggressive boyfriend, during the boxing-class we were at yesterday. We were taking it in turns hitting eachother and holding the boxing pillows (mitses). I really got into it. Was hitting like a maniac. I was so tired at the end after some kicking, and my blood flow was redirectioned to my thighs, so my field of vision was joined by annoying black edges. But it still felt so good!

But that was yesterday.

Today. My body is sore. My right arm is so bruised and aching, my triceps and the muscles in my back/stomach are all very painful, as are my hamstrings. If I put my arms straight out, my hands are shaking, that is how tired they are. After the boxing class we also took a yoga class, which might have been a bit over the top, but that's too late now. I better lick my wounds and get some good rest, next thursday we go again!


At 16:38 , Blogger Arlen said...

Cute Cat is lookin' good (or at least better than your elbow.)

I'm not big on workouts, but I do understand that if you don't do them, you definitely become big...

Have a great weekend SS, and relax and heal a little.

Best to you,


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