Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bored mute

I am taking another sick-day. My tonsilitis has succumbed to the antibiotics, and the throat looks prettier. There is still some weird things in there. Sensitive readers are advised not to continue reading =).

I have two blisters, or they aren't blisters really, they don't look fluid filled and transparent, they are more like a small hill of throat tissue - one larger by my left tonsil (about 1 cm in diameter) and one smaller on the back of my throat (about 0.5 cm in diameter). I first thought these were just a sign of my tonsilitis, but now I don't think so anymore; because the symptoms of the tonsilitis started to attenuate on saturday, and should be properly gone now, after 6 days of antibiotics.

There is also some really white lumps of something, about 2 mm in diameter each, on the top of my right tonsil. I tried to remove them yesterday with a q-tip yesterday, and got some of them out. They were yellowish, and quite hard. I tried to remove the rest, but my vomit reflex stopped me from continuing. I haven't seen them there earlier, eventhough I have checked my throat status every day since thursday. So I guess they are some new phenomena.

I started coughing and losing my voice on monday around lunch time. Since then my vocal abilities have gone down-hill, and today they are at some record low. This morning I could only whisper. When forced to talk (when entering the bus this morning, or answering my phone a couple of minutes ago) some sounds can come out, but it is nothing pretty. I sound like I am at some terminal smoking stage, and along with every smoke I have had (20 every day for the last 30 years) I have had a couple of centiliters of whiskey as well. There is some horrible rasping tone to my voice, and everyother word turns into a whisper.

I am thinking I have had a viral infection (causing the two throat blisters/hills) all along, simultaneously as I got the tonsilitis. I noticed the tonsilitis only, since this is what I am used to getting, and started treating that with antibiotics. When the tonsilitis bacteria started dying off from the antibiotics, the viral infection was given more space to exert its opportunistic effect, infecting my poor cells with its evil genome.

Plan of handling:
Well, being a viral infection and all, there isn't much to do. Oh wait, I think I heard some natural "medicine" being able to prevent/remove/alleviate/shorten (or whatever lie they used) viral infections like the common cold and such. Maybe I should try that. Although, if anything those "medicines" work through placebo effect, and if you are as negative and sceptic as I am about them, there is just no chance for them to help me out. Surely it is possible to alleviate a common cold, by reducing some of the symptoms, like headache and blocked nose. But I prefer taking some ibuprofen, and blowing my nose, before even going into one of those "natural medicine" shops. My way relieves the symptoms, all while me avoiding getting annoyed by the high-sounding empty phrases I assume you are being fed with at such places.

My actual plan of handling is to call, oh wait I can't talk. I mean, I will e-mail my treating doctor, i.e. my colleague that prescribed me the antibiotics, and ask if she has some opinion of the matter. If I should go see my GP after all, or just ride it out. Maybe she'll tell me to take some natural medicine, no wait, she's not a quack, she's a proper doctor.

Man I am being sceptical today! I am just so boooored!


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