Monday, June 05, 2006

The passion of goats

It is my strong belief that the summer has finally started. Not only the calendar summer, but also the meterological summer. I base that on two things; firstly, that it has been possible to see the sun the last two days, and secondly, a strong general wish from my part that the summer should be here. My balcony, or I guess rather the plants on it, are already starting to go berserk, without actually having grown a tenth of what I expect them to. It will be interesting to see how the experiment goes. I have cultivated lots of seeds in my small green house... or green cupboard is probably more correct. I have put almost all of them in the pots on my balcony now, and trust me, it is full! It will be a terrific summer, I'm sure.

My parents are out of town, or well, out of the small collection of houses where they have their own house. I wouldn't call it a town, since the place where they live hold about 500-600 people, and they live about 1000 m from this small place anyway. So outside a smallsmall town. Anyway, my parents aren't at home. So they needed a kittysitter (my very own construction of someone taking care of somebody else's cat, compare: babysitter). And I was the natural choice to kittysit their Obidobi, since his brother is here, and they have a heck of a time together normally. And this time is no different. They are just crazy, on the expense of my flower pots, my sleep and parts of my sanity. But thankfully, my parents did not only give me their cat to watch over, but also their car. Moahahaa! So I can flee the premises when needed, and let the cats reign the place on their own.

Yesterday, me, my boyfriend and my sweet sister took the car and went to Kulturens Östarp. It is a part of the Culture Museum here in Lund, but situated about 20 km east of the city. There are two original farm houses; one from the beginning of the 20th century, and one from the end of the 19th century. You can go in to the houses (with a crooked posture), see their tiny beds and their nice wooden rooms. They also use parts of the fields in current agriculture, but with old methods (using horses).

Foremost, they have goats. I love goats. My dream is to have a farm house on the countryside with Cute Cat, all his babies and lots of goats. Since I had Cute Cat emasculated the dream has had to be revisioned a tad, but the goat-part is still intact. Just look how cute they are, this mom and her son. And you can do tricks with them, getting them to stand on their rear legs to reach the straws you are offering at higher levels etc. And they make cute sounds, and are nice to cuddle with (presupposed your avodiance of the horn-bit).

Enjoy the picture, the summer, and get ready, 'cause tomorrow is the National Day of Sweden, and this year it is a public holiday for the first time! (I will celebrate by working hard though)


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