Friday, June 09, 2006


I miss my cat. I have dreamt loads of different dreams over the past three nights Cute Cat has been gone, all containing him to some extent. I dream a lot these days, due to my medication giving me lots of short 'wakeups' while I am sleeping. And it is all about him. Him, Cute Cat. Him being cute, running away from me, me finding him, him playing, him charming someone else etc. Him, him, him. I was not prepared that getting a pet, my Cute Cat, would fill myself with so much consideration, consern and caring. But I am such a sucker for him. I haven't seen him since monday evening, and I hope to see him on sunday again. But of this I cannot be sure. I will be out of town during the two upcoming weekends too, and the time and money it takes me to go back and forth to my parents' place with him, I am not sure it is really worth it. Each return trip, from my door and back, would take approximately 4 hours, and cost me around 20 USD/15 Euro. But money and time, what is that in comparison to being with him? But really, I am not sure he would appreciate those hours spent on the train.

He is the cutest
Likes to scratch my arms and legs
I love him so much

Biting and meowing
Who could pull such a thing off?
But my own Cute Cat

No inspiration
I need him to be with me
He is my wee muse

But I know other passengers will appreciate it. Are you all familiar with the concept of the 'Dog Trick'? How you pick someone up/get someone to talk to you by being outside by walking your dog. I pull that off, unintentionally, everytime I take him on the train. People come up to me and let me know how cute they think he is, ask what breed he is, ask how old he is, how much he weighs, compare him to tigers/panters/leopards, ask how much he cost etc. I am glad Cute Cat doesn't understand human communication to that extent he could overhear all the conversations I have about him. Then he would be constitutively on extremely high horses, with no intention ever coming down. I guess like all cats are really.


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