It all started with me being innocently (of course) hung-over in my bed saturday morning at 9.30. My alarm bell had just gone berserk, and had realised how skeptical I was to showing up and carrying heavy boxes at Andreas and Elisabet's new place. I went up and had a large glass of water, and set the alarm an hour later.
Me, and Joding, ended up showing our faces 3 hours late, but with bulging muscles ready to take on the large boxes! I, ME, carried a piano!! How cool am I? Not alone, and it was an electrical piano, but none the less, it was not light I tell you! We all busted our asses for another 3 hours or so, and what was the reward?
A messy apartment, and heavy bruising.

But look how happy they were afterwards!

(and do note how Elisabet's making a hillbilly-cousin-face in the mid/messy apartment picture)