Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Önskelista - uppdaterad (igen)

Ja, då hade jag tydligen varit extremt snäll i år, så (den något berusade) tomten gav mig fina klappar både från min önskelista och utifrån egna idéer - Tack så hemskt mycket allihopa!

Nu är det ca 14 dagar kvar till jag fyller år, 8 januari wohoo! Alla som känner mig vet hur mycket jag gillar att fylla år, och tänkte bjuda hem er på kakor och kaffe den 5 januari mellan kl 12.30-17 (kl 17 ska jag Malin och Peter åka på opera!). Jag behöver framförallt någon som äter upp alla kakor jag tänker baka, men om någon hemskt gärna vill ha med en present, så är det tillåtet. Behöver ni hjälp med idéer kan ni klicka in på min önskelista här i menylistan till höger.

Vi ses den 5:e kl 12.30

Monday, December 24, 2007

Melvin and Cute Cat - in action

Two new video clips, one old theme.

Listen for the Melvinian sneezes and teeth clattering

Brave Leia

After 24 hours of Melvin-presence in the house, Leia finally dared to put her paws on the ground floor. She was extremely cuddly, sweet Leia.

Radical Santa

Putting himself on fire.

To show he's had enough of this Holiday stress?

Road trip

From Kattarp to Kalmar.

By help of my father we found the perfect route to drive: Kattarp - Åstorp - Hässleholm - Ryd - Nybro - Kalmar. Beautiful brookes and lakes, and trees with frost.

Finding a Christmas Tree

Me and Melvin are out looking for the perfect Christmas Tree on the Ausås Christmas Tree-plantation. Without any luck.

It turns out the perfect tree was a pre-chopped one outside the CityGross store in Hyllinge.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Vad vill Windows säga mig?

När jag loggar in på min blogger-sida från svärföräldrarnas pc får jag upp en ny ruta som frågar mig:

"Vill du att windows ska spara ditt lösenord i framtiden så du inte behöver skriva in det nästa gång du loggar in"

Under finns en ruta du kan klicka i som det står "Kom inte ihåg mitt lösenord"

Och ytterligare under det kan du välja att klicka vidare på "ja" eller "nej".

Vad betyder det då om jag t.ex. klickar i rutan "kom inte ihåg mitt lösenord" och sen "nej". Kommer den då ihåg mitt lösenord, eller inte?

Jag tycker det är förvirrande budskap i omlopp. Typiskt pc.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Holiday celebrations!

My brilliant sister gave me a GOAT for christmas, wohoo!!

And also, she made sure a family in Uganda will take real good care of her! The best gift ever!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

LSS Lussikal

The Lund Student Singers had their annual Christmas concert named Lussikal last night. Andreas was singing like a magpie, so pretty!

And by the way, yesterday night when I was out with Melvin, I actually heard bird song. What's that about, midwinter bird singing? Crazy, but oh so pretty. I just closed my eyes and pretended that it was spring.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mean Christmas

People are so mean these days, sending each other broken christmas cards. How rude =).

Friday, December 14, 2007

And Cute Cat

Some cats get their attention, not by biting tubes of foundation, but by hiding under one of the two christmas table cloths, and biting my receipts.

Being a crab

Melvin is being a crab (a marykay-ish expression - curious?) in my newfound Mary Kay Career. He is being unsupportive by biting plenty of holes in a foundation tube, and getting it all over himself (paw, ass, and gums), and also the carpet and Joding's sweater. That's what happens when you have a puppy!

And a tube of foundation in his range.

The crab-expression I learnt during my first whole-day class. It was so much fun, so warming and refreshing! It's a grand company.

But I know Melvin loves me anyway. And he looks quite cute in a bunch of new brown spots!

Wacky Labels

Thanks Katie for this wonderful link where the three wackiest labels have been elected and rewarded.

Do check it out!

The winning label was found on a tractor and read "Danger: Avoid Death!". What does that mean?


Om den här DN-journalisten kan få betalt för sina artiklar, kan vem som helst (inklusive jag) bli journalist.

Jag citerar "Körde på sin före detta hustru, som cyklade tillsammans med sonen när hon blev påkörd på ett övergångsställe."

Det är i skrivande stund överst på förstasidan på

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The rules man, the rules

Perhaps time to take another look in your old driver-school books?

Light abuse

This is too many lights for one room - hanging christmas star, an electrical christmas candle stick, and two more celing lamps on in the room.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Plenty of christmas lights for sale at Vellingeblomman. For sale, without any control, which means any tasteless human can aquire an abundance of lights to decorate their houses and gardens with. But a very nice store - go there!

Still awake

Yesterday was a day of socialising - I was like the fish in water (that's the Swedish proverb - I'm sure there is a corresponding one in english I don't know about - yet). It just means I really enjoyed it, it fit me perfect. But with that socialising, I consumed caffein in abundance. I reached what is an overdose for someone as sensitive as me. I had a half-cup at noon, half a diet coke at 3 pm, and 1.5 cups of coffe between 4.30 and 6pm. And what can I say, obviously I'm still awake, so I guess that qualifies as an overdose. Even the cat's asleep. But me, along with the other fish in the water (i.e. in my tank) we're still awake. I wonder when fish sleep. I'll just avoid getting into that.

I'm so excited. I've met a wonderful woman, who has rapidly become a role model and inspiration to me. Maria. She's a super-cool boxing chic, which recently has started getting more and more in touch with her feminine side - much like myself. She has not too long ago become a representative for Mary Kay products, and after having had two classes for her, I'm so inspired to do it myself. I love the social bit - meeting new fun people, and the way it has a potential to boost my self-esteem, and render me mounds appreciation. Not that I don't have this already, but one can never get too much!

I love the company idea and structure. It's very woman-oriented - started a few decades ago by the seemingly smart and driven woman Mary Kay Ash. It was started to help women, who often back then worked as house-wives, and might not get out so much. This was a way for them to earn some extra money, getting out meeting other women, but only using as much time as they could spare. Perhaps one or two nights a week, or maybe only once every fortnight. Much of the company profit goes to research on cancer-forms predominately affecting women, and also to organisations against home-violence. It has such a strong team-feeling between women working as individual Mary Kay representatives. By helping someone else, you help yourself. And by helping yourself forward, you help others too. In an ingenious way. And you can advance very far, work as much as you want with it and have time for, and you seem to get so much out of it. All the meetings with clients and other representatives for Mary Kay, education in various aspects of the work (the products, leadership, make-up-techniques etc.).

I'm super-excited about getting started, I have talked to friends and family about it, and for the past 2 hours laid out a very pretty (in my 5.37am-opinion at least) flyer to post and hand out whenever I go out to find clients for my very own skincare classes. I just can't wait! And as an extra bonus, this gives me a very good excuse to hang out much more with my new (as of less than 24 hours) mentor - supercool Maria!

And you who know me, knows exActly how skeptic I am for anything new, especially girly stuff, and still this is already a part of me. A given part, that I don't think I ever could or would get rid of completely.

Can you tell I'm excited? Can you tell I'm on caffein? Should I just not sleep tonight, and sleep more tomorrow night?

Friday, December 07, 2007

Dirty Santa

This pretty candle holder is what dirty Santa brought for me during yesterday's lab christmas party. It decorates the door very pretty, along with the heather and pumpkin.

Puppy school

This is the venue we've been teaching our puppies to behave for the past few weeks. If you see a blur - then it's Melvin.


I found some pictures in my new cool SonyEricsson K850i phone (så fick jag sagt det också) today, just look and enjoy. Me and the hillbilly cousin, and someone's breasts. Nice.

We can look cute too... (as if you didn't already know)

Cleaning day!

I don't know why, but I actually looked forward to tonight, eventhough I knew what I'd be doing. I got home at 3.30 from the lab, and started wiping off all shelves, and all of Joding's one million glass items - made specifically for collecting dust, or so it seems. After that I hoovered the floors, and then mopped them twice. It was really necessary to do it twice, and the water was still dirty after the second round. But two time's the limit.

All that took me three hours (with a little help from the animals), for instance Cute Cat trying to help to mess up the clean table with new christmas table cloth (also clean of course).

After those initial three hours of cleaning, it was time for a three hour round of laundry, we're half-way through that now. Cause Joding came home and helped me, plus he went to the store to buy a whole bunch of groceries, which we also needed. In 1.5 hours our apartment will be spotless, we'll have nice food to eat (Joding's cooking), and we'll have so many new clothes!

Melvin (can you see him?) is helping me to sort the clothes before the laundry started.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


It's me and the bears. Yesterday I fell asleep on the sofa around 10 pm, and I finally got out of bed at 8.30 this morning. When Joding had gone to work, I fell asleep on the sofa again, from 10-11.30. So I've slept a good 12 hours tonight, and I still feel like I can fall asleep any second, but now I'll force myself outdoors. I'll have lunch with Sofie, then go to work, and hopefully go to a spinning class at 4pm, before it's time for the christmas party at 6 pm.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Somebody graduated from puppy school today, congratulations Melvin!

He came second in the final competition, a race! All dogs competed (small AND big) in a race with four heats, where the winner of each heat continued to the final rounds. Melvin and Sigge (his Jack Russel friend) came on a split first place, so they had a final race just the two of them. Sigge won over Melvin with a dog-head's length. But take into consideration that he has only 2/3rds of the leg-length compared to Sigge. Plus how Melvin and Sigge won over all the other dog: labradors, dalmatians, golden retrievers etc. Melvin rocks! He will receive his award at the Christmas Party on the 16th.

Önskelista uppdaterad

Bara så ingen missar, så har jag lagt till ytterligare en sak på min önskelista.


Oftast är det särskrivningsproblematik/komik som cirkulerar och provocerar. Men även ihopskrivningar kan ibland vara ett problem, och bidra till komik.

"Lär dig halstra, tranchera och grilla som proffsen gör. Här är en matlagningskurs helt befriad från falukorv och blodpudding. Under sexkvällar får du lära dig laga riktigt god gourmetmat, utforska kombinationer av smaker, lära dig de grundläggande teknikerna och ta del av din professionella lärares bästa tips, naturligtvis ingår alla råvaror."

Det är naturligtvis ordet sexkvällar i utdraget ovan som fick mina smilband att rycka till. Ska jag anmäla mig till den här matlagningskursen? Är det verkligen matlagning som man lär sig på dessa sexkvällar, kanske fingermat? Kroppsmålning med olika såser? Ja, frågorna är många. Och allt detta efter bara en ynka liten ihopskrivning - medveten, eller omedveten?

Monday, December 03, 2007


My veil has arrived. A private shipper brought it all the way from Vienna to Lund, I'm so thankful. Irene, say hello and thanks to your mum for bringing the veil. And Irene, thanks a lot for lending me your pretty veil.

Irene made this veil for her wedding while I made the wedding dress for her, and now she's been kind enough to let me wear it for my wedding (but she's reluctant to return the favour by making a wedding dress for me - she is evoking the "it's for your own good"-paragraph.

You know, for a wedding you "need" something borrowed, plus I wouldn't mind getting a bit of the same love spell brought into my marriage that she and her husband are under. I'll feel so ridiculously pretty at the wedding! I can't wait!

But I guess I have to wait, 9th of August is still pretty far off.

Heat seakers

They so love the sun, and move around the apartment to follow the rays coming through the small south window between 12 noon to 3 pm.

Let me brag!

I have bought and wrapped almost all my christmas gifts. I just have one more to buy, and one small, and perhaps another little one. But that's just so easy now, I know exactly what those things are in such case. So it's just a matter of going to the store, picking it up, and getting the hell out of there a.s.a.p!

Do you understand, I have fixed it all! And it's merely the 3rd of December! Jealous? Provoked?

Sunday, December 02, 2007


I have either been too busy, or too tired to blog lately. Which sucks. Since I would have plenty of material to blog - I mean, since I've been so busy, I'm bound to have lots to blog. But, after some sleep, I should be back on track.