Friday, August 31, 2007

More ear-talk

However cute Melvin's tiny flappy ears might be, it turns out that his right ear has a small herd of fungi and bacteria growing inside it. The vet stained a smear from his ear, and gave us a perscription for antifungal/biotics, and a tip of an ear cleaning agent to use first. I have administered them both now. Melvin was a bit sceptical, flapping his ears a lot, but still calm and cute like always.

He also got his last parvovirus vaccination, so now he can meet dogs without risking to be infected with a lethal puppy-disease. Which is relieveing. Especially since he'll later tonight meet Hugo the Dog in Kalmar. He cried a little bit when the vet gave him the injection, but I'm so proud of him, he was all calm and happy. Gooood dog. And especially good for a terrier! =)

Now he won't have to be vaccinated until June next year. Next in turn is Cute Cat, he'll have to go already in february the little thing. Or big thing, a 6-kg-lump.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


When you're a puppy, it's not always easy, or of importance, to keep track of your strange body parts.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So stupid...

...they make clocks stop.

I met two girls like that on the number 6 bus in Malmö today. An elderly couple boarded the bus, and a kind young couple left their seats to let the elderly people sit. The elderly were slow, as one can be at that time and age, and two girls just looked at eachother when the young couple left the seats, and hurried over and took the seats. The young copule just shook their heads and said "what can you do with people that stupid?".

I was sitting behind the two stupid girls in stolen seats, and leaned forward and explained - "do you understand that the young couple got up to give their seats to the elderly couple?!", and they just said something like "yes, so".

Grrrrr, I wanted to smack their heads. Instead me and my seat-neighbour gave up our seats - and guarded them until the elderly had taken their places. And us four seat-leavers stared at the two stupid girls throughout the bus ride.

I'm still a bit annoyed, and to be honest a bit surprised over how stupid people can be.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Friends and foes

Sometimes friends.

Sometimes (read: most of Melvin's awake time) foes.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Stealing Melvin's soft bed, as a revenge for all that ear biting. Very effective revenge, until Melvin woke up, and went in the bed to reclaim it, and of course - to bite Cute Cat's ears.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Who bit Cute Cat's neck?

Is it the same one to whom Cute Cat is sticking out his tongue a little bit later?

But who fertilized the ruccola with poop? This sallad is now off the menu for tonight, for good.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


If Cute Cat had been able to sing, his first song would have been intensly inspired by Aretha Franklin, begging for some fucking respect!

What's with all the ear pulling?

But Cute Cat does put Melvin back in his place at times. Melvin cries, shakes his head, and attacks again.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cute Cat, without patience

I have been super-impressed by Cute Cat's extreme patience towards Melvin's attacks and ear-biting. But sometimes Cute Cat has just had enough, when the little Melvin shows TOO much energy and interest in Cute Cat's ears. But it's still full of love. Right?

What would granny say?

"Den å en låda öl"

Freely tranlated (with difficulty) it means something like "that guy and a case of beer". A rather random, but cute expression, that kind of grows on you.

The girl at the coffee shop

Who knew that there would be a coffee shop on Hallandsåsen, and in a Statoil petrolstation. What do they serve, hash brownies? Does the police know?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I swear you won't miss even one phone call.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Relaxation sunday

Melvin is getting more brave, and take longer circles around us. And annoyingly listening less to us, giving more interest to dried leaves, twigs and other bush remnants. So we called Joding's mother, asking her for some dog advice, and we have tried several approaches, without any brilliant sucess.

Until I remembered how she told us once that she brought meatballs to the puppy-course, in order to get more attention from her Hugo. We defrosted ONE meatball, cut it up into 32 pieces (try that at home, kids!) and went out to practise. After one taste of the meatball life, he was more devoted to us than ever before, and followed our every move and command!

Meatball sucker!

Me and the Melvster.

The one and only.

Two of my boys.

A very interesting twig.

His cute little arse.

Melvin, pushing his luck with Cute Cat.

Video premiere!

Why don't you check out a video of Melvin and Cute Cat trying to get to know eachother. After one week togheter, Melvin is growing ever more confident with attacking a much bigger creature like Cute Cat. And Cute Cat, is showing his good temper and patience, I'm really proud of him!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Nimis excursion

Us hanging out, on a boulder.

Wodden stuff, and me ON THE TOP OF THE WOOOOOOOORLD.


And all was very cozy and romantic...

...until the car broke down.

Instead of hiking

We should have been hiking this weekend, but some went and bought a puppy. So instead we're home. We've eaten 3-course dinner, and the next course is soon arriving. We've played one round of a crazy game.

The little family, minus Cute Cat.

Hanging out.

The crazy hillbilly cousin, reading the game card.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The animals, and Joding.

Melvin and Cute Cat is really getting to know eachother now. They're playing a lot. It might look like Cute Cat is angry in these pictures, but actually he initiated the whole thing, by running past Melvin meowing, and then throwing himself to the ground. Melvin has got quite a few hits by Cute Cat's newly cut claws. Lots of playing, lots of fun.

And after all that playing (melvin) and all that hard serial-working, and night-walking-the-dog me and Joding have been up to this week - one needs to rest for a little while.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

To be safe

The best way to make sure one does not over-nawwwh when seeing Melvin, is to distort his looks by use of the brilliant Photo Booth. Do not look straight onto the first original picture, but enjoy the two latter ones more instead.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Battle of the animals

It's much easier to be on guilt-free sick-leave these days. Doing nothing next to Melvin still seems purposeful, and very stress-relieving. Some guilt for 'being-home-doing-nothing' might sometimes still get through, but not a lot and not for long.

One piece of his food had hidden under the big kitchen drawer. Eventhough his bowl was full of more pieces of food, exactly the same as the one that was hiding, he still had to try to get the hider to come out in the open. He was whining, barking, crawling. But nothing helped.

Melvin is a true little stealer, he has started to use all of Cute Cats old toys, and now also some of the more current ones. For instance, this squeaking little mouse that is Cute Cat's absolute favourite right now. Melvin wants it for himself.

Cute Cat is not impressed.

Cute Cat and Melvin has actually started playing some today. Cute Cat runs past Melvin, giving off a short meow, just like when he picks a fight with Obidoo. Then he runs off, and often Melvin runs after. Then Melvin jumps towards Cute Cat, and then runs off, and Cute Cat comes after. But not for long, Cute Cat quite easily outruns the little Melv-man. Not too surprising, but very cute to watch. Cute Cat hissed at Melvin a little while ago. He was not too happy that Melvin tried to follow him under a chair. That was Cute Cat's territory.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Beware of the dog

WARNING!! You might overdose on cuteness. Squint if sensitive.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Melvin sleeps

The first night has been good. Melv-man slept 2 hours, then cried until we woke up and took him out to pee. Then slept another 2 hours. And it went on like that.

Cute Cat is extremely curious about the little thing that's moving around in his territory, stealing his toys. But most of all, he's reserved. Cute Cat just lies down, and watches the little Melv running around. And when Melv discoveres he has wound up a bit too close to Cute Cat, he stops suddenly, and then runs to me. Very cute. I'm sure they'll become friends.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I love Melvin!

We were worried how he would handle riding the car. And he, he just slept.

Me and Melvin, taking a nap in Lund.

Melvin meeting Elisabet

Picking up Melv-man

Melvin biting some Kattarp grass

Melvin meeting Obidoo. He has also since that met Cute Cat. Cute Cat is very reserved and passive, and Melv-man is a bit afraid, cries a bit, but then just quickly runs past the '6-times-his-size'-cat


Sisters hanging out.

Don't ask me...

Crayfish party.