Friday, November 30, 2007

How can it be?

That your body, after finally having been able to work, and having worked a whole bunch of hours, more than a regular workday. And still. Still your body decides that - no, no I don't want to sleep. I will be awake listening to the dogs snore instead, that's a much better way to spend the 4 hours left until I have to wake up and go back to work.

Stupid worthless piece of shit. Sleeeeeeeeep!

Perhaps I'll fall asleep easier if I stop my blogging?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ni missar inte...

...att jag kontinuerligt uppdaterar min ÖNSKELISTA väl? Nya tillskott i lördags och idag. Bara klicka på 'ÖNSKELISTA' överst i menyn till höger.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

New cape

Unfriendly enough of him, he outgrew the pretty insanely reflective cape I made for him. Yesterday I bought a new one. Waterproof on the outside, warm on the inside, and extremely stylish, don't you think? He better fit this for a looong time! The little ungreatful bastard.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Wanna Faust with me?

I need someone to go with me to Faust at Malmö Opera for my birthday (just a random excuse to go). But then I realised, if I go before my turning 27 the ticket price is 100 kr less. So what do you say to Saturday the 5th January at 6 pm?


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Naïve bank

Does my bank really think that if I don't want to come to their information evening about china and russia funds, that I'll tick for "no thanks, unfortunately I can't come", fill out my name, phone number and e-mail address, and buy a stamp and envelope, and send it to them? Like I have nothing else to do? Or that I feel such a personal connection to my bank, that I feel obliged to RSVP a no.

Your regular protester

At high school they called me "Rebellen", the Rebel. And then also a bunch of other names containing "ellen". Apparently I was rebelling a lot. I understand what they were referring to. And they would probably call me the same still today.

I can be such a protester at times. If something or someone annoys me, I feel a strong subconscious urge to protest. This urge soon becomes very concious, and often I choose not to stop it. Yesterday I was really annoyed with this guy. He is in charge of a special microscope I'm using currently, and he has a lot more experience using it (obviously!) than I have. But he still doesn't know how special the tiny tiny structure that I'm looking at is, and in the way I'm looking at it.

Usually the microscope has a maximum of x63 objective, but I really feel I see my cells better with the x100 objective. Him and me had this discussion about a month ago, and now yesterday again. Since we talked about it a month ago, I thought it was enough - but yesterday we discussed the exact same thing again. And he gets really annoyed. He doesn't want me knicking the x100 objective from the other microscope, and just keeps on telling me how he has already investigated the matter and have decided that the x63 objective is much better than the x100 objective, and it's just a matter of being good enough with the microscope settings that is the problem (i.e. his telling me that the real problem is that I'm not good enough using the microscope). This obviously annoys me, since he doesn't know shit about my tiny structure, what is required to see it properly. Plus, if I am bad at using the microscope, fucking give me a course then, help me out. Don't just conclude that I'm bad, and leave! And perhaps trust me a bit. Don't be so arrogant to think that you know EVERYTHING about anything people can look at using that microscope!

Today he came crawling back. He needed the microscope for 30 minutes or so, and asked if he could jump in during my lunch. And I said "of course, just tell me when your staining is ready, and when you need to use the microscope, and I'll scooch out of your way". So fucking kind of me. I loove to be superkind to people that have been mean to me. When he came the second time he said "by the way, I'm really sorry about yesterday, but you know blabla", where blabla= a bunch of excuses. I just said "I understand, don't worry, but perhaps you would like to look at a comparison between the x63 and x100 on my sections?". How could he say no to that? And I showed him, and he said he understands me, that there might still be more I can do with the settings for the microscope, but that he understands.

I can't tell you what a good feeling I have inside now. I was the better person, stood my ground, and I won! =)

And now to the protesting bit. He's the one teaching people how to use the confocal, so he has shown how he likes to use the three flat screens connected to the microscope. You need a bunch of windows open to see the cell, to run and adjust the microscope etc. He teaches which software screen you should have open in which monitor. Just to protest, I have started open the software in different screens than what I've been taught. He noticed today. And it made me feel even happier. Such a silly way to protest. I love it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Crocs - back to your swamp!

All that's bad for Crocs is fun

It's fun to dislike what 'everyone else' likes. But especially, it's good to resist the ugliest trends out there.

Monday, November 19, 2007

New evidence

New evidence was brought forward tonight in the case 'Cute Cat vs. my new robe'. When I was brushing my hair tonight the comb kept on getting stuck in my stupid robe, and when I was done and looked inside the hood, I found several new threads having been pulled out in a similar manner as I previously accused Cute Cat of having done.

He is now free of all charges, and has been given a sachet of soft delicious food as a redemption. Along with this official apology I hope we can return to a talking and cuddling basis again.

But as Joding said when I told him about this breakthrough in the investigation, I cite "I'm sure he's done something else evil we have not discovered, so don't feel bad about the accusation". I agree at some level, but still think a cat should be convicted based on true evidence, not on something random, eventhough they might deserve the punishment.

Sorry cuddly-pie!

A case of the mondays

You know you've had a case of the mondays when things have gone bad all day.

* You couldn't find the key for the bike this morning.
* You thought you were so smart when thinking "oh, since I arrive at the blood central / apoteket with the bus, why don't I go pick up my medicine that I need for tomorrow, and donate some blood while I'm here". It turns out the blood central is closed, and you have neither money nor prescription.
* Finally in the office, the first thing that happens to you is that the boss hurls out some random comment that reminds you of how you don't have any control of your own education, work or life - all is in the hands of someone else. You try to find support from others but are just dismissed.
* After work you wants to get revenge with the previously closed blood central. It's open, but very busy. And you sit in line for 40 minutes before it's your turn. All to find out that you have to wait one month after arriving back from the states before you can donate blood. Those horrible infectious americas - apparently.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bachelorette celebrations

First we went bowling, which was absolutely hilarious. It has been too long since I went last time, that's for sure! Then we went back to Susie and Recce's place for some tequila and jelly shots. In the picture you see me and the bride to be - pretty Denisa - trying to get out our brilliant jelly shots from the shot glasses.

There were also some bachelorette activities to make sure she is ready to get married - she had to sow on a button, put on make up blind folded, pin the tail on a donkey (but the woman-version, i.e. pin the penis on the naked man on the poster), and get a condom on a cucumber. All things you need in a healthy relationship.

Someone (no names mentioned) started a dance floor, and there were also plenty of finger food and mingling. Such a good party! And the bride - with her condom-lubricant veil (she said she will wear it at the wedding, but I hope it was the tequila talking) - loved the penis cake!

Penis cake II

There's an art to making novelty cakes - and I'm the king!

It was a colleagues bachelorette party yesterday, and I brought the ultimate gift - A penis cake!

If you want to do your own. Make two sponge cakes in ovensafe bread trays, cut them to form a rough penis.
Divide all pieces in two (heightwise) and fill with one layer jam (e.g. raspberry), and one layer thick vanilla cream).

Make or buy marsipan (1 kg), and dye with red and yellow food colour - red:yellow 3:1. By adding a bit yellow you take the edge of the pig pink, and instead aquire this penis pink. Spread out plastic foil under and over the marsipan dough, and use a rolling pin to make it super flat - and spread over cake.

You will have some marsipan to spare - make a bunch of decorative small penises in different shapes and sizes.


Cute Cat is being very very relaxed.

Season greetings

Thanks for the Santa hat, mum and dad!

You can tell from Melvin's eyes that he really loves it! Or am I just projecting?

The new robe

A friend hooked me up with a new bath robe. I needed it, since my last one is actually Johan's, and it has so many stains and has a very "used" look. My new one is super soft, all red with dots (not dots in other colours - but is rather changes in the fabric. Very long, and comfy. With a great big hood. It's so me.

Cute Cat really hurt my feelings yesterday (one day after I got the robe) by attacking the hood (I was not wearing the robe at the time) and pulling out a lot of threads. But I guess it's always a matter of time in this family - everything is bound to be broken, scratched or peed on.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The reward

I went with the puppy school on an excursion today, to practise behaving in a "city" environment - we went to Eslöv.

Melvin did real good, at least most of the time. And as a reward, and to make him look even cooler, he got this...

Friday, November 16, 2007

The BFFs are cuddlier than ever

My two honeys - Cute Cat and Melvin - have started to become really friendly towards each other. Not that they have ever really been mean to each other, more than in a strictly playful way. But now they can sleep next to each other, and Cute Cat even cleans Melvin's face - with regular intermittent jugular bites. All to reassure Melvin, that just because Cute Cat is being sweet with him, does not mean that Melvin is superior to Cute Cat in ANY way. I love them so much!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

High-up cats

Me, Joding and Melvster was visiting Emma and the cats earlier tonight. Emma enjoyed it seemed, but the cats did not. They were on the top shelf on their climbing post (3 m up), which is a bit exaggerated, since 60 cm would be enough to block off the little Melvin. But these cats are rather safe than getting their tails pulled. Aron that usually is the quiet one, doing his silent cries, he was able to emit LOUD noises today when Melvin got to close.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

About to land

In Copenhagen. If you look closely you'll see the Öresundsbron. It's very lovely to be home!

Who killed me?

The cat, or the jack russel terrier?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

And what a party it was!

Well, it was a long time ago since I did something really irresponsible, at least until last night! It might not have been the most responsible idea to get myself really drunk before travelling. I'm happy they let me on the plane. My bag was almost shipped to Marseilles - because I apparently repied 'yes' to her question about it. It sorted out in the end. She thought it was my fault, that I noticed - but I can't really see why, since she was the same person that a second prior had printed my boarding cards for San Diego - Atlanta - Copenhagen. Why would I want my bags in Marseilles then? But I'm sure I seemed weird, and she had probably all right to think I was in the wrong, if not for the bag, so for something else. It could NOT have slipped them by that I was pissed. I was selected for "random" screening (she had made some note on my boarding card - I do not blame them). But they let me pass.

Me, and a bondi slipper

But what a fun night! And again - Tomas, Daniel - I'm sorry for banging on your door in the middle of the night. Although I guess many boys would be happy for three pretty girls coming over in the middle of the night. But yesterday night I think we were more drunk than pretty =). It wasn't until now when I came home and checked my blog, that I remembered that I had made a blog post while being superdrunk (apparently) and waiting for my cab. It was soooooo much fun yesterday though!

The party gang.

That skybar on Mariott, what a place! Totally amazing. And it would never have existed in Sweden. A skybar, with no fence around, on the 20-something floor. Brillant place! And yesterday it even had a dance floor. I remember meeting an Andy Snow and his PhD students (I forced them all out on the dance floor), a bunch of other neuroscientists that wanted to talk science - oh how I ignored and judged them, sitting by the pretty fire complaining about all the PDA going on, I remember one of Andy Snow's students trying to fondle me - and pushing him really hard and telling him in an offensive way to get his hands off, and I remember fondling two girls myself - the one had implants and the other didn't, so they let me feel the difference. Interesting. Breasts are cool.


The long building that is the brightest shining - is the convention centre, or at least half of it.

Skybar elevator

This is us trying to walk to our room (I really tried to hold the camera still to take a picture of people falling over)

After 3 margaritas during happy hour in the tequila bar - we went to a restaurant called Dick's. Their product idea is to have waitresses that are super rude to you all the time. Lots of fun, good food, and bubbles!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Trade secret

I'm totally drunk. I've showered, woken up Tomas and Daniel (we're super sorry - it seemed like a good thing at the time), and now I'm waiting for the taxi. I was about to panic when I couldn't find my passport that I had with me OUT last night. But after a while I did... Why did I trick myself and others into buying me drinks?! Why did I try to start a dance floor at the Mariott down town, when there wasn't any? Such a cool bar, on a very high floor!

drunk = happy.

There's been...

...a wee bit o' shopping going on. The dollar is on record low levels today - we celebrated at victoria's secret!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Surfside Sushi San Diego

A sushi place that I think most miss. It is in Pacific beach, near the intersection just before the pier arch, behind Denny's, and across from Fat Burger. It's called Surfside Sushi, and it is so genuine. A bunch of japaneese people, some of them don't even understand swedish, and you get a lot of "hai hai" and japaneese hospitality! It's brillant. It is THE best sushi I've ever eaten. It's happy hour on monday 5.30 to 7.30 (for 12 different types of rolls). Truls - I hope you check out my blog (or that Emma sends this post to you in an e-mail) and take my word for it - go to this sushi place!). It looks a bit shabby from the outside, but don't let this fool you!

We ate A LOT of sushi, nori soup, a pitcher of Kirin, wine, dessert and the spiciest gari I've ever tasted, for four people we came to a total of 68 dollars - of course we happily added 25% tip!

If you're ever in San Diego, just go there, ok!? You can get a cab to pacific beach for about 25-30 dollars from downtown San Diego. There is also a bus stopping outside apparently. And if you need cheap, fun shopping afterwards, go to "Closet" across from Denny's.

Sweden vs. San Diego

My last day here has become a fact. I am enjoying my stay A LOT, and wouldn't mind staying for a while longer. But it's time to go home. And cuddle with the boys - Joding, Melvin and Viggen. I miss them. Jag saknar er så. But I hope you understand that there are still great stuff about San Diego. Look at the following generalised "for instance";


San Diego.

Monday, November 05, 2007


You know how I love tequila. And especially in the form of a margarita. We found this place called The Tequila Bar, with a margarita-menu covering several pages. It was like paradise.

Katie ordered a margarita - and got hers. And Salina ordered too - and got her margarita.

Then I ordered one. The lady behind the counter asked to see some ID. I did absolutely not have anything like that on me, why would I? So I was not allowed to order anything. NOTHING. ME! In a margarita-bar! Having to sit there and watch the two ID-carrying girls (used to american rules and regulations) drink their stupid margaritas! How annoyed do you think I was?

Do note the two boys in the background trying to pick us up. Can you blame them?

Me and Tomas

First a picture of me and Tomas...

...and then a strikingly similary picture of me and Tomas, some later. Such posers!

Marco's birthday

We went out for a nice dinner to celebrate how Marco now is a rugged 26 years old. He got a birthday cake with a candle and everything!

We celebrated the birthday in a very gender stereotypical way. The girls had salads, the men had steaks, bloody steaks.

Later we met up with the rest, for drinks, and a little bit of spontaneous dancing. I also picked a fight with a Yugoslavian guy, and had some nice Glenfiddich. Or Glenfinnish, as the stewardess on the flight over from Copenhagen called it. It also took her way to long time to calculate how much she owed me back - I gave her 50 dollars for an item that was 31 dollars. She used calculator in the end.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

La chica con la Margaritissimo

Flickan och den stora margaritan

Weird stuff...

Swedish fish, apparently a very swedish candy. Weird in so many ways. I don't know why it's swedish, and on the box it gladly states "a fat free food". First of all, fat free - yes, but sugars? And food, seriously?

A 1-dollar store, or I mean a MAX 1 dollar store, everything costs 1 dollar, and up. THat "and up"-part is a bit strange... I guess they really mean that it's Max's store, but I think it's meant to be confusing, on purpose..

Beef and cheese, in one package.... do I have to say more...
Yes I do, the left one is called Slim Jim, I think that is pretty misleading.