Sister Sweden
Your favourite neuroscientist blogging about life, dogs and cats, in particular my own life, Cute Cat and Melvin the dog.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Postcard revenge?
Last winter when Johan's brother and my sweet sister-in-law sent over nice christmas greeting card, Melvin ate it.
For Johans dissertation, they gave him a new card that after having spent 2 weeks on the kitchen table had made this impression.
I think it's all a cunning revenge for that card Melvin ate. This time they thought they would not let us destroy their message that easily!
(it did not come off with soap, so it's still there, under a table cloth...). You guys should know we quite like your pretty living room table, you can perhaps get us one of those as a gift?
Pretty stones
Me and Peter pre-visited the beach north of Höganäs where Peter will take some of the wedding photos of me and Johan.
While being photographed, i picked some pretty stones for my husband-to-be.
When he got them, I spelled out this pretty sentence. He immediately went for the middle stone and said "this looks like an ass".
You're welcome! =)
Out stealing some crops from the local farmer, for my midsummer's cross.
Lots of food and nice people!
And excellent weather (between the intense rain-fall)
Pretty with flowers in my hair.
Pretty midsummer girls
Melvin celebrating midsummer (by chasing Nora)
Some dancing around the Midsommarstång.
There are different ways of being constructive.
Emma made a midsummer's quiz...
...while Elisabet made a midsummer's penis
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Oliver mjau-mjau
The guys are out of town, so I have the honour looking after their lovely cat Oliver. He loved me, today. Much due to lack of others present, but a bit because I'm just so lovable! I threw some mint-treats that he was chasing like crazy all over the flat. We entertained eachother for about 5 hours (while I was working hard on the manuscript). He loves me. Until his real friends come home!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy 1st birthday Melvin!
Yesterday was Melvin's first birthday. He celebrated with lamb/chicken/veggie-cake with a candle. Cute Cat tried to get a bite of his treat, without any luck. Melvin charged at him with teeth and roar when Cute Cat naively tried to approach. Cute Cat will have to wait for his own birthday, his fourth is coming up in December.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Emil the baby
Christine had a new baby a few months ago. This is Emil, her second baby with just as much hair as the first one, just a bit darker. Looks like he's wearing a wig, very cute.
Sleeping on my lap.
Philosophical baby.
With small cute hands, it's incredible how small their fingers are!
He was also a bit angry at times.
Melvin and Cute Cat want a baby!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Oresund rundt
Great ticket around Oresund. We started off in Helsingborg/Bromölla/Lund depending on individual habitation, and went to Copenhagen, and visited the magnificent and well recommended exhibit Bodies.
Mum outside the exhibition
Part of the exhibit. Oh no, I mean, dad's plate at the chineese lunch buffet after the exhibit - duck.
We continued on to Louisiana to pay a visit to the current Giacometti-Cezanne-exhibit, very nice. And as always, a lovely view.
Look hard and you'll see the lot.
Very cute couple eating smorrebrod at the Louisiana café. I couldn't help myself.
You HAVE to go see the Bodies exhibit!