My cute little one

This morning, I hope, was the peak of the existence of crazy cat. I have just dropped him off at the new nice vet, to have him fixed. Un-crazed. Emasculated. Nutered. Turned back into my beloved cute cat. I wonder if that's how you would spell nutered, I must admit it's a word I rarely use. Yesterday we became best friends again. I was home all day with him, playing, cuddling, relaxing. He wasn't crazy cat even once. Until this morning.
At 6 AM he woke me up. This I hope, is a very temporary trend that'll wear off really really soon. He was in pursuit of Putte, a neighbour's cat. Putte is a very relaxed, and calm old cat. He knows his way around the block, and ignores cute cat completely, as long as he does not attack Putte in crazy cat mode of course. This morning Putte was standing on the plastic tractor located outside my bedroom window, looking as relaxed as ever. Last night I prepared by not shutting the curtains entirely, so cute cat would be able to look outside without breaking through the glass (i.e. waking me up, how simple-minded of me) . Even when Putte saw cute cat in the window (now slowly switching to crazy cat) , he didn't seem to mind. He stood on the tractor, as if posing for a very serious photo shoot. If there had been a Dolce Gabbana collection for cats (and maybe they doon the japanese market), that was what he was sporting. Occasionally scouting for a predator attack. Occasionally to have a sip of water, from the puddle collected on the tractor stool.
Crazy cat was inflated it seemed, his back and tail now at least three times the original size. I got up to see what was going on outside. If Cujo was attacking my building, or if a bird flu infected pigeon was slowly pecking its way through the wall. By looking at crazy cat, anything really could be taking place outside. But as you know, it was only Putte. When Putte saw me in the window though, he started to look a bit frighened. Before, I used to scare him off. Maybe this is what he suddenly remembered when I came into view. Why I scared him, you ask? Well, when cute cat was baby cat, he did his very best to scare Putte off what baby cat wanted to claim as his territory. I could see Putte laughing viciously inside, looking at baby cat with a smug smirk on his face. He didn't budge. He looked the other way. Baby cat was by no means what you would call scary. But I didn't want my little baby cat to feel small and, well, like a pussy. So I used to scare Putte off, behind baby cat's back. Only to let baby cat think that he was actually the one, cool enough to scare off that huge experienced street cat. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for baby cat, and this still goes now that he has become cute cat. I spent a weekend building him a climbing post. We go out walking half an hour every day. I buy him gourmet food, and a wealth of toys to play with. I posted personal adds for him, to fix him up with a couple of hot she-cats. Recently, I also added some shelfs to my wall, and connected them with a small wooden bridge. All in order for the cutest cat ever to be able to freely walk around the rooms, high up under the celing. He is a very spoiled cat, but look how cute he is on that little bridge! Can you really blame me?