Missing my blog

I really miss writing, but right now, there is not much inspiration for me left over at the end of the day. New projects are starting up, and I have to work hard operating, which takes a hell of a lot energy and active focusing. I am absolutely exhausted, but still happy. I like the project, and my nice american co-worker! We are having so much fun together, and supporting eachother in the rather stressful current situation. She will be leaving Sweden in about a year, and I am already starting to worry about how sad that will be. At times it pops into my head and makes me a bit sad, but most of the time my effort goes into focusing on one day at the time. Really really hard.
Next week will be somewhat slower, hopefully. It looks like that right now at least. And the subsequent week should be even slower, which I am looking forward to. Plus that it is always slow in the beginning, since it has passed quite some time since I last did operations, almost 3 years I think. So I am a bit rusty on the edges. Plus that I have one completely new method I am learning, and the second method that I am familiar with since 3 years back has been slightly changed. Those are all my excuses for working slow. But thoroghly, ambitiously, and hard, I promise you! Which are all more important, especially being thorough. What's the point in working quickly when I in the end can't trust my results or feel I didn't do all that I could to make it work? No, no. Either you do it properly, or you just don't do it.
The picture of the cat really doesn't go with my text today, I just had to show it. That kitten was born recently on the same place as one of my sister's cats were born. It looks horrible when they have no fur, but at the same time, isn't it kind of cute? Like an Indian cow, but in cat version. And what makes them even cuter is that they seek you out and places themselves really really close to you, and cuddles a lot (since they are cold from not having fur). But of course, they are nothing like my cute cat. Although he has been testing my patience by waking me up at night by scratching the curtains, shredding the toilet rolls, biting my toes, and pushing over flower pots. I can't understand what he is trying to tell me, but I am trying to give him even more attention than before. And more goodies! That should do the trick. I am also sending him on a one-week boot-camp to my parents' and Obidobi's place (i.e. his brother). That ought to cool him off.